
Use the below search options to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Combined Authority’s decision making bodies and key officers.

Please note that we migrated to a new system on 26 May 2017. Decisions taken before that date can be viewed through the Committees page by browsing to the relevant committee and agenda, or through the Search documents page to search for the item you require information about.

Decisions published

18/12/2020 - East Leeds Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) ref: 956    Recommendations Approved

To ensure funding, from the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme, is in place to allow for a 50% deposit to be placed for the order of 7 electric vehicles to operate the East Leeds DRT service, which is being developed in response to gaps in the core bus network, particularly in some of the more deprived areas of the city where unreliable and inconsistent bus services result in low overall bus patronage.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 31/03/2021

Effective from: 18/12/2020


To approve that the change request to the East Leeds DRT project to increase development costs by £0.600 million to £0.900 million is approved, to allow for a 50% deposit to be placed for the order of 7 electric vehicles to operate the East Leeds DRT service

Lead officer: Ben Still

18/12/2020 - West Yorkshire Integrated Urban Traffic Management Control (UTMC) - Element B2 ref: 955    Recommendations Approved

Approval for the scheme to progress through Activity 5 (Full Business Case with finalised costs) and work commence on Activity 6 (Delivery).

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 22/12/2020

Effective from: 01/01/2021


To approve that the UTMC Element B2 scheme proceeds through decision point 5 and work commences on activity 6 (Delivery).


Approval to the total scheme value of £0.917 million given from the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund.


The Combined Authority enters into a funding agreement with Leeds Council for expenditure of up to £0.917 million (£0.838 million for B2 and £0.079 million of monitoring and evaluation) from the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund.


Lead officer: David Sheard

10/12/2020 - Governance Arrangements ref: 953    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Made at meeting: 10/12/2020 - West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Decision published: 18/12/2020

Effective from: 10/12/2020


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director, Corporate Services on the following governance arrangements:


Members discussed the gender diversity on the LEP Board and its panels and considered and agreed the nominations that had been received from the LEP Board for the appointment of Helen Featherstone to the Place Panel and Kamran Rashid and Kully Thiarai to the Inclusive Growth & Public Policy Panel.  The terms of office for these appointments would be to 31 December 2023.


In addition, following a recommendation from the LEP Board, the Authority also agreed to the extension to the following Panel members’ terms of office:


Business Innovation & Growth Panel


Will Roebuck

Mike Danby

Philip Wilson

Simon Wright


Employment & Skills Panel


Glynn Robinson


Green Economy Panel


Bill Firth

Natasha Luther-Jones

Alice Owen


Business Investment Panel


Simon Wright

Michael Allen

Jonathan King

Gareth Yates


In order to reflect the valuable contribution they make to the work of the Panels and the LEP, it was agreed that their terms of office be extended for one year and details were set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report. 


In respect of proposed overview and scrutiny reforms, it was noted that work was being undertaken to develop a future overview and scrutiny model in order to address the needs of the Mayoral Combined Authority.


It was noted that under the terms of the draft West Yorkshire Combined Authority (Election of Mayor and Functions) Order 2020, the Combined Authority may pay an allowance to the Mayor if consideration has been given to a report published by an independent remuneration panel (IRP).  Further details were provided in the submitted report and it was agreed that the Head of Legal & Governance Services be authorised to convene the necessary IRP to make recommendations to a future meeting of the Authority.




(a)      That Helen Featherstone be appointed to the Place Panel with a term of office to 31 December 2023.


(b)      That Kamran Rashid and Kully Thiarai be appointed to the Inclusive Growth & Public Policy Panel with a term of office to 31 December 2023.


(c)      That the recommendations in relation to private sector representatives of the advisory panels as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report be approved.


(d)      That the work underway on developing a future Overview and Scrutiny model, and the increased resources this may need be noted. 


(e)      That the Combined Authority authorises the Head of Legal & Governance Services to convene an independent remuneration panel to make recommendations to the Combined Authority as to the allowance that shall be payable to the Mayor.