Issue - decisions

York Central Access Road and Station Access Improvements

14/03/2019 - York Central Access Road and Station Access Improvements

Resolved:  In respect of York Central: Access Road and Station Access Improvements, the Investment Committee approves:

(a)       That the York Central Access Road and Station Access Improvement scheme proceeds through decision point 4 and work commences on activity 5 (full business case plus costs) subject to the conditions detailed in 2.155 being discharged to the satisfaction of the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team.

(b)       That an indicative approval of £37.32 million is given from the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund, an increase of £4.32 million from the previous Gateway 1 approval, towards a total scheme cost of £187.46 million with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.