Issue - decisions

Capital Spending and Project Approvals

14/03/2019 - Capital Spending and Project Approvals



(i)        In respect of Leeds City Region Growth Service, the Investment Committee recommends to the Combined Authority:

(a)        That the Leeds City Region Growth Service project proceeds through decision point 2 (case paper) and work commences on activity 5 (full business case).

(b)        That an indicative approval to the total project costs of £3,401,756, of which the Combined Authority contribution will be £2,465,413 (which will be funded through £764,535 from the BEIS Growth Hub funding and £1,700,878 from the ESIF funding is given with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs). The remaining £936,343 will be funded by Leeds City Region District Partners.

(c)        That the Combined Authority delegates the authority to enter into a funding agreement with Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (ESIF) and BEIS (Growth hub funding) to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director.

(d)        That the Combined Authority delegates the authority to enter into or amend funding agreements with the local authorities to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director.

(e)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.

(ii)       In respect of Resource Efficiency Fund 2, the Investment Committee recommends to the Combined Authority:

(a)        That the Resource Efficiency Fund 2 project proceeds through decision point 2 and work commences on activity 5 (full business case with finalised costs). 

(b)        That indicative approval to the total project value for both regions (Leeds City Region and four North Yorkshire districts) of £6.293m is given as detailed below, with full approval to spend being granted once the project has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        That Leeds City Region element of the project of £4.644 million (subject to a successful ERDF application), of which £2.751 million will be funded by the Combined Authority (£2 million ERDF funding for Leeds City Region and £751,137 from the Leeds City Region Local Growth Fund). The remaining funding will be from £1.893 million SME match.

(d)        That York, North Yorkshire and East Riding element of the project of £1.649 million (subject to a successful ERDF application) of which £1.035 million will be funded by the Combined Authority (from £824,522 ERDF funding and £210,122 from the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding region Local Growth Fund, which North Yorkshire County Council as the accountable body for the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP will transfer to the Combined Authority and the Combined Authority will be the accountable body for its expenditure for the purposes of this scheme). The remaining scheme costs of £614,000 will be from SME match funding.

(e)        That the Combined Authority delegates authority to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director to enter into an agreement with North Yorkshire County Council as the accountable body for the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership (at decision point 5), for the Combined Authority to receive and manage the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding match funding contribution of £210,122 from the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Growth Fund.

(f)         That the Combined Authority delegates authority to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director to enter into a contract for the provision of the ERDF funding with Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) at decision point 5.

(g)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.

(iii)      In respect of the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme 2, the Investment Committee recommends to the Combined Authority:

(a)        That the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme Phase 2 proceeds through decision point 3 and work commences on activity 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(b)        That an indicative approval to the Combined Authority’s contribution of up to £3.9 million, which will be funded through Growth Deal 3 is given with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs). The total project value is £112 million.

(c)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision point 5, through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.

(iv)      In respect of A61 (North) Bus Priority Corridor, the Investment Committee recommends to the Combined Authority:

(a)        That the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme: A61 (North) Bus Priority corridor project proceeds through decision point 3 (outline business case) and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).

(b)        That an indicative approval to the total project value of £16.1 million is given from Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme funding with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision point 4 (full business case) and decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs) through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director.

(v)       In respect of Wakefield South East Gateway, the Investment Committee recommends to the Combined Authority:

(a)        That the Wakefield City Centre, South East Gateway scheme proceeds through decision point 3 and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).

(b)        That the individual elements of the Wakefield City Centre, South East Gateway scheme progress as separate full business cases for Kirkgate and the Waterfront through activity 4 (full business case) and activity 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        That an indicative approval to the Combined Authority’s capped contribution of £4.9 million to the Waterfront scheme and capped contribution of £1.6 million to the Kirkgate scheme (a total contribution of £6.5 million) to be funded from the Local Growth Fund programme is given towards a total scheme cost of £32.62 million (Waterfront (Rutland Mills) £21.52 million, Kirkgate £11.1 million) with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(d)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.?

(vi)       In respect of Dewsbury Riverside, the Investment Committee approves:

(a)        That the Dewsbury Riverside scheme proceeds through decision point 3 and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).

(b)        That an indicative approval to the total scheme value of £4.612 million is given from the Local Growth Fund with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision point 4 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.

(vii)     In respect of York Central: Access Road and Station Access Improvements, the Investment Committee approves:

(a)        That the York Central Access Road and Station Access Improvement scheme proceeds through decision point 4 and work commences on activity 5 (full business case plus costs) subject to the conditions detailed in 2.155 being discharged to the satisfaction of the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team.

(b)        That an indicative approval of £37.32 million is given from the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund, an increase of £4.32 million from the previous Gateway 1 approval, towards a total scheme cost of £187.46 million with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.

(viii)    In respect of Superfast West Yorkshire and York - Contract 3, the Investment Committee recommends to the Combined Authority:

(a)        That the change request to the Superfast West Yorkshire and York – Contract Three project to reduce the total project value to £10.828 million due to changes in funding from Gainshare, DEFRA, BDUK and ESIF / ERDF is approved.

(b)        That an indicative approval to the total project value of £10.828 million from the funding sources outlined in this report for which the Combined Authority is the accountable body is given, with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (full business case with finalised costs)

(c)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the approval pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report including at decision 5 (full business case with finalised costs) through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the report.