Issue - decisions

[Deloitte Work Outcome]

24/06/2022 - Organisational Evolution

Resolved: That the Combined Authority:


Endorsed the proposal to move from a ‘process’ to an ‘outcome/mission’ based operating model.


Approved the change of role title from the current ‘Managing Director’ to ‘Chief Executive’.


Approved in principle the revised Director roles and new posts of Executive Director Transport and Chief Operating Officer (working title) set out in Appendix Two, noting that the specific areas of responsibility for each role, particularly within the functions reporting to the proposed Chief Operating Officer, may be subject to change.


Approved the creation of one additional Director post, bringing the total number of senior management roles from eight to nine and that two of these roles occupy an additional tier between the current director roles and the Chief Executive.


Approved the deletion of the current director posts in line with the Management of Change process and timeline, pending revision of the Role Profiles and key accountabilities to align to the new structure.


Endorsed the next steps set out in paragraph 2.44 and delegates the approval of final director Role Profiles and gradings to the Finance, Resources and Corporate Committee.