Issue - decisions

Gainshare Capacity Funding

18/03/2022 - Gainshare Capacity Funding

Resolved: That the Combined Authority approves that:

a)    the Gainshare Capacity Funding scheme proceeds through decision point 2 to 4 (business justification) and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).

b)    approval to the total scheme value of £11,400,000 is given, allocated as detailed in Appendix 4 of the submitted report.

c)     the Combined Authority enters into a Funding Agreement with each of the councils for expenditure of up to £1,890,000.

d)     future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report and where required, any change requests are delegated to the Finance, Resources and Corporate Committee. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the submitted report.