Issue - decisions

City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement Programme

18/03/2022 - City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement Programme

Resolved: That the Combined Authority approves that, subject to the successful outcome of the bid to DfT:

a)    the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) programme proceeds through decision point 2 (strategic outline case) and work commences on development of the relevant business case for each individual scheme.

b)    an indicative approval to the total programme value of £830,000,000 is given. The total programme cost is £1,231,994,853.

c)    approval of development and delivery costs of up to £63,455,916 for business case development and programme management costs is given as follows:

·       Up to £30,311,916 for monitoring and evaluation, communications, consultation and engagement and Combined Authority programme management.

·       Development costs of up to £3,000,000 to enable delivery partners to develop scheme business cases.

·       Delivery and development costs of up to £30,144,000 for the development of strategic outline cases and quarter 1 and quarter 2 costs for the Highways Asset Management, Network Management and Safer Roads programme.


d)    approval is given for the delegation of authority to the Combined Authority’s Director of Delivery, following a recommendation from the Programme Appraisal Team, to approve requests for business case development costs, in accordance with the Assurance Framework.

e)    approval is given for the delegation of authority to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director, following a recommendation from the Programme Appraisal Team, to approve the behaviour change programme proceeding into delivery in accordance with the Assurance Framework from the indicative allocation of £10,550,000.

f)      in order to ensure that schemes can be delivered within the tight timescales, the Combined Authority delegates authority to the Managing Director to amend the approval and allocation of CRSTS if the DfT award differs from £830,000,000, or if further changes to individual allocations is required, as a result of changes to the programme and approaches to delivery.

g)    The Combined Authority enters into Funding Agreements with partners councils for expenditure, for the Highways Asset Management, Network Management and Safer Roads programme, up to the amounts shown below:

·       Bradford £6,486,308

·       Calderdale £3,846,476

·       Kirklees £6,161,288

·       Leeds £9,281,288

·       Wakefield £4,368,640


h)    Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in the submitted report and any change requests are delegated to the Transport Committee, which will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the submitted report.