Agenda item

Governance & Scrutiny Working Group report

To consider findings from the Governance & Scrutiny Working Group including governance reform and a range of options for a new scrutiny model in a mayoral authority and choose a model to recommend to the Combined Authority. 


The Committee considered a report of the Governance and Scrutiny Working Group, presented by the Deputy Chair of Scrutiny, asking the Committee to consider recommendations on methods for scrutinising the mayor directly, a governance review and one of three possible models for scrutiny:

Option 1   One enhanced select committee

Option 2   Three committees divided thematically

Option 3   Two committees divided by function


Following questions and discussion, the Committee voted to recommend the model in Option 1 – ‘one enhanced select committee’.


The Committee agreed, regardless of the model chosen, that:

·       scrutiny must look, feel and operate differently

·       success depends on commitment from scrutiny members to dedicate the time to fulfilling their duties.

·       more scrutiny officers and resources are necessary to support members fulfil their duties and manage a much-expanded scrutiny function expected to scrutinise a vastly expanded mayoral combined authority with greater powers and spending.


Other comments and suggestions included:

·       An increase of the number of meetings per year should be considered to give members more time and opportunities to scrutinise issues in more depth.

·       An overarching committee is necessary to maintain consistency and coordinate all scrutiny activity. Having too many co-equal committees might lead to silo thinking / working between committees.

·       Terms of reference need to be flexible and not limit scrutiny’s remit. The issue with competition with other committees and panels, such as the Transport Committee and advisory panels, must be resolved.

·       The emphasis on ‘big picture’ and strategic scrutiny is welcome, as is the emphasis on permanent sub-groups to oversee neglected areas of scrutiny such as public engagement and pre-decision scrutiny.

·       However, an emphasis on big picture and strategic scrutiny shouldn’t detract scrutiny from making a demonstrable impact and always being relevant to the day to day activity of the Combined Authority.

·       If member role profiles are being considered, then the size of the committee could also be reconsidered to ensure that all members are doing equal work and working well as a team together.




i)                 That Option 1 (one enhanced select committee) be chosen as the recommendation to the Combined Authority as the scrutiny model for a mayoral combined authority.


ii)               That a report be made by the Scrutiny Chair and Officer, on the Committee’s behalf, to the Combined Authority outlining the recommended scrutiny model.


iii)              That the Director of Corporate Services and Scrutiny Officer consult on the budget implications of the extra staff and resources required to implement the chosen scrutiny model, ahead of the Combined Authority’s consideration of the draft 2021/22 budget in December 2020.


iv)             That a further report be submitted to a future committee meeting outlining a more detailed trackable action plan to implement the chosen model.


v)               That the chosen model be revisited within 18 months (by May 2022) with an option to revisit it earlier if necessary.


vi)             That Scrutiny consider the new constitution prior to its approval.


vii)            That a review of governance be undertaken, if possible, with the involvement of scrutiny and the mayor, and that this topic be added to the committee’s work programme for 2021/22.


viii)          That the working group’s statement on governance (paragraphs 2.12 – 2.17) be circulated to members for further comment before submission to the Combined Authority.

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