Agenda item


(Lead Member: Cllr S Hinchcliffe, Director: Brian Archer)



The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Economic Services on COVID-19.


Members noted the latest advice and business support being provided in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the response of the Combined Authority and Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership.  It was acknowledged that health and public safety was the most important issue, but it was also an economic emergency and the full impact of COVID-19 on the Leeds City Region would not be known for some time and was already having a serious effect on businesses and the economy.  It was reported that several meetings had been held with the banking sector in respect of the delays some businesses were experiencing in getting responses to requests for loans and a letter had been sent to Government highlighting the gaps in their support package.


Members discussed the challenges and the additional COVID-19 action being undertaken by the Combined Authority and LEP.  This includes the establishment of a Business Gateway team, (formerly the Business Growth Service) and the team had been set up with additional staff to handle the high volume of enquiries being received.  Support was being offered to businesses to help them access financial assistance and advice as quickly as possible, in particular in respect of skills, redeployment and supply chain, particularly PPE (personal protection equipment) and the funding and measures that have been put in place by central Government.


It was noted that the Combined Authority and LEP were doing everything possible to work with central Government and other Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs) to ensure there was sufficient support for businesses.  A note on business support interventions had been sent to Government to influence the development of national programmes and a copy was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


The Authority was provided an update on the public transport network which had been reduced to a service aimed at helping key workers, school services for the children of key workers and for essential shopping trips. Members discussed the significant impact the reduction in transport services was having on the bus and rail industry and the Combined Authority.  It was noted that recovery for public transport would be difficult and patronage will be slow to develop.  It was noted that the Combined Authority has worked closely with the Department for Transport on a package of support to the bus companies and Local Transport Authorities. Councillor Blake updated the meeting of discussions held with Baroness Vere, the Buses Minister, and had emphasised in those discussions, the costs being incurred by combined authorities and the need to ensure that they were included in the Government’s compensation packages.


Members stressed the importance of focussing on recovery and it was reported that work was being undertaken to develop a response and recovery plan to identify the potential work needed to support the economic recovery of the region and the role the Combined Authority and LEP can play.  Members discussed the workstreams which included the convening of a working group. This would include representatives from business groups and key industries and the group would focus on the co-ordination and delivery of the recovery plan. 


Members asked that their thanks be passed to the staff involved in the Business Gateway team and also to the front line bus station teams for their efforts during this challenging time.


A further report would be prepared for the next meeting.


Resolved:  That the update be noted.

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