Agenda item

Future Bus Options

Dave Pearson


Members were presented with a report to advise them of the decision taken by the Combined Authority to explore options arising from the sale of First West Yorkshire including, but not limited to, potentially participating in the sale. The Committee was also advised of the Combined Authority’s decision to approve spending of up to £200,000 on legal and consultancy support to assist with the development of options for future bus services in West Yorkshire.


The Committee was updated on the progress with the West Yorkshire Bus Alliance and advised on the recent Government announcements regarding funding for bus services.


The Chair acknowledged that it was a time of unprecedented change and possibly the end of deregulation. There could be no speculation at this time as work was underway but it should be noted that the Combined Authority wanted the best service for its people. Members asked if the £200,000 had already been received and this was confirmed. They also asked if the work was of value given that current legislation clearly stated that Local Authorities and Combined Authorities were not allowed to buy or run companies.


Members were informed that Ernest and Young had already produced two out of three reports and they were aware of the current law but still could explore options to then present to Leaders. Members acknowledged that the Secretary of State had recently spoke of enabling Authorities more so perhaps a change may be ahead.


The Chair informed the Committee that there would be funding implications but that the Government needed to invest in tackling climate change and there would be opportunities for other bodies to contribute to transport. Both buses and rail required large investment. These would be large pieces of work for Portfolio Holders and members.


It was raised by members that assets and liabilities (such as pension schemes) would need to be discussed. Also any investment schemes must involve bus priority measures.


Members asked if there would be a similar discussion taking place regarding Arriva. The Combined Authority advised that as Arriva is not a public limited company there was no visibility as to what was going on with the proposed sale.


The Committee asked to see the details around the spending of the £200,000 as they had concerns regards the costs of running buses and felt that they should be fully informed. The Chair explained that all relevant information had to be gathered before being made public and that a move to own services could not take place without public consultation.


Finally members applauded the Combined Authority for exploring these options as buses are a public accountable service and thanked the Combined Authority for co-operating with York as they are also dependent on the current contract for their park and ride operations.




(i)        That the Transport Committee was updated on the development of options for future bus services in West Yorkshire including those which might emerge from the sale of First West Yorkshire Limited.


(ii)       That the Transport commit noted the recent Government announcements on funding for bus services and that a further update is provided to the next meeting.


(iii)      That, should it be necessary, the Managing Director be delegated to apply for the additional Government funding in consultation with the Chair of the Transport Committee.

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