Agenda item

Panel and Committee Reports


The LEP Board discussed and noted the Panel and Committee updates which were presented to the Board for information and the following comments were made:


In respect of the Business Innovation and Growth (BIG) Panel update, it was noted that the first meeting of the Digital Overview Group was to be held in Spring 2019.  The Group will provide oversight of digital activity in the Leeds City Region and report into the LEP Board. Members noted the membership of the Group and the Panel Chairs were asked to advise of any other possible candidates.


It was reported that the Growth Service had supported over 10,000 businesses in the Leeds City Region since its launch in April 2015.  It was noted that the Pop-up Business Support Café events were proving popular.  These were being held to engage with business communities in some of the more disadvantaged and outlying locations. Members discussed the inward investment successes which were outlined in the report. They highlighted that the Leeds City Region was a diverse, single economic region and the importance of having a transport system to provide links across its whole geography in order to attract more businesses to the north was emphasised.  The draft Trade and Investment forward plan for 2019/20 had been discussed and supported by the BIG Panel and the LEP Board considered a summary of the proposed approach to be taken in 2019/20 which was attached at Appendix 2.  The focus on encouraging inward investment successes across the whole city region was welcomed.


Members noted the update of the Employment and Skills Panel.  It was reported that the Panel supported the proposal that the LEP should take on the Skills Advisory Panel (SAP) functions as part of their remit and that its terms of reference should be amended, including consideration of representation of the voluntary sector.  It was noted that a report on the outcomes and findings from the first formal review of Delivery Agreements was due to be published and it was proposed that the sign-off of the review reports be delegated to the Chair of the Employment and Skills Panel.


The update on the Green Economy Panel’s major projects and programmes was noted.  It was reported that the Green Economy Panel had endorsed an application for Warm Homes Round 2a funding but unfortunately this had not been successful.  Updates were also provided on the Resource Efficiency Fund Phase 2, stakeholder events to be held in advance of the planned Energy Summit in Summer 2019 and a presentation received on the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP’s Circular Yorkshire programme.


Members noted the Place Panel update and were advised that dialogue continued with Homes England in respect of exploring opportunities to work together in pursuit of shared objectives.  The Panel aims to shape future policy direction with discussions at early stage of development and the Panel will hold a workshop to develop the Leeds City Region approach to placemaking and the Panel’s role.


The LEP Board discussed the work of the Inclusive Growth and Public Policy Panel.  It was reported that the Panel had visited Huddersfield New College which had been very informative.  Further site visits will be arranged so that the Panel could learn from best practice by visiting organisations that are exemplars of inclusive growth.  Members discussed funding for inclusive growth and the use of the Growing Places Fund capital returns for projects that improve outcomes that support inclusive growth. The Panel were asked to bring their inclusive growth strategic framework and programme of projects to the next LEP Board.


In respect of the Capital Programme (Investment Committee) update, it was reported that Growth Deal spend at the end of quarter three was the highest level ever achieved at this stage of the programme and details of each project were outlined in Appendix 1.  Members were advised that as the LEP Board had not met before the submission deadline of 22 February 2019, the Growth Deal CLoG (Cities and Local Growth Unit) Monitoring Dashboard for Quarter 3, 2018/2019 had been signed off by the Combined Authority’s Section 73 Officer which had been agreed with the LEP Board Chair.  A copy of the dashboard was attached at Appendix 2 and this was endorsed by the Board.


It was reported that a formal response had been received from Government on the Growth Deal Annual Conversation review, which assessed the performance of all LEPs based on criteria covering governance, delivery and strategy.  The Leeds City Region LEP had received good scores across the three categories and clarification was being sought on the scoring assessments and how further improvements can be made.


The Panel, Committee and Group Chairs were thanked for their updates.




(i)         That the updates be noted.


(ii)        That the Trade and Investment forward plan for 2019/2020 be



(iii)       That the sign-off of Delivery Agreement review reports be delegated to the Chair of the Employment and Skills Panel.


(iv)       That the recommendation that the Employment and Skills Panel take on the functions of the Skills Advisory Panel be approved and its terms of reference be adapted.


(v)        That the Cities and Local Growth Unit (CLoG) monitoring dashboard be endorsed and signed off by the LEP Chair.

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