Agenda item

Economic Strategy Update

Lead Director: Felix Kumi-Ampofo, Lead Author: Jo Barham



The Committee considered a report of the Director of Inclusive Economy, Skills and Culture which advised members that the Economic Strategy for West Yorkshire was currently being developed and feedback was sought from members on the proposed approach.


Officers introduced the report and explained that, since July's meeting, progress had been made in various areas, including publishing a brief for research support on emerging opportunities for West Yorkshire clusters and areas of strength, as well as a consultation questionnaire and call for evidence on topics such as childcare, the informal economy, and the future of work. Key economic indicators had also been updated and stakeholder engagement was ongoing, including sessions focused on collaboration challenges and opportunities, the needs of rural communities and health inequalities.


Community groups were being engaged to ensure diverse voices contributed to the development of the strategy and prioritisation workshops would be held once initial consultation was complete. An expert panel would also be convened to scrutinise evidence and peer review the application of evidence into policy priorities, building on previous good practice. Members of the committee were asked to provide input on the prioritisation workshops.


Members made the following observations:


·       Asma Iqbal explained that she had been approached by the Combined Authority to contribute to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy. She had decided to organise a community session at a community hub, involving key businesses and charitable representatives to discuss what was working well in the economy and the challenges. It was an opportunity for various stakeholders to showcase their contributions and continued engagement through workshops was emphasised to maintain credibility. Key concerns raised during the session included the lack of visibility of the Combined Authority from an ethnic minority business perspective, communication issues and the need for a collaborative approach involving business organisations. Progress was made following the event, with further feedback received. Reports like "Time to Change" and the West Yorkshire Property Forum were initiated based on the discussions from the session.


·       Karl Oxford commended the team, which included Jo Barham, Lorna Holroyd, Josh Rickayzen, and Felix Kumi-Ampofo, for effectively communicating macroeconomic challenges and the importance of learning from the past. He highlighted the need to incorporate district-level strategies into a meaningful regional economic strategy and emphasised the significance of organisational cultural change.


·       A member inquired about insights from the sector report and its connection to investment zones work. Officers clarified that they aimed to consolidate existing reports and would provide a collective update to the Committee.


·       A member mentioned the contribution to research and innovation at the University of Leeds and the need to integrate it into the ongoing work.


·       A member stressed the importance of feedback from the Healthtech sector and suggested linking it to the scientific advisory group's input. Officers confirmed their awareness of this and expressed the intention to consolidate all relevant feedback.




  1. That the Committee noted the contents of the report


  1. That members of the Committee noted the updates and provided feedback on the proposed approach.

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