Agenda item

Investment Priority 3: Creating Great Places and Accelerated Infrastructure

(Lead Member: Cllr D Jeffery, Director: Liz Hunter)




With respect to Employment Land Accelerator Fund the Combined Authority approved that:


      i.         The Employment Land Accelerator Fund scheme proceed through decision point 2 to 4 (business justification) and work commence on activity 5 (delivery).


     ii.         Approval to the Combined Authority’s contribution of £2,000,000. The total scheme value is £2,000,000.


    iii.         Future approvals be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the submitted report. Where required, any future committee level approvals be delegated to the Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee.


With respect to Enterprise Zone Langthwaite Business Park Extension the Combined Authority approved that:


      i.         The Enterprise Zone Langthwaite Business Park Extension scheme proceed through decision point 4 (FBC) and work commences on activity 5 (Delivery), subject to the conditions set by the Programme Appraisal Team.


     ii.         Subject to the conditions set by the Programme Appraisal Team, approval of £11,626,000 be given, taking the total approval to £12,678,000. The total scheme value is £12,678,000.


    iii.         Approval of £350,000 development costs, from the total approval, taking the approval to date to £1,402,000.


   iv.         Approval be granted for the purchase of additional land adjacent to Onward Way for provision of the access road.


     v.         Future approvals be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the submitted report. Where required, any future committee level approvals be delegated to the Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee.


Members considered two schemes for progression through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Assurance Framework.


Employment Land Accelerator Fund


Officers explained the scheme would support the creation of a pipeline of potential employment sites to create opportunities for future investments. Locations would be identified alongside the partner councils and external consultants to determine the feasibility and future needs of each location. The Place, Regeneration, and Housing Committee had also contributed to the development of criteria for each site.


Members queried how the value for money for each site would be determined Officers responded that the estimation could vary but would be based on the future evaluations of the sites and the potential jobs that could be created as a result. Members questioned when updates would be brought to the members for review, officers responded that evaluations are conducted as a part of the assurance process and members could challenge each scheme at the appropriate decision point. Officers added a similar housing project was currently under evaluation before returning for review by the Combined Authority at a future meeting.


Members queried if the criteria for the identification of sites included their potential, or if the potential was considered after land was identified and suggested that links to transport would be beneficial to encourage public transport and active travel to access the sites. Members also asked if local communities would be able to provide input for the businesses that would occupy the site. Officers responded that the Place, Regeneration, and Housing Committee considered the transport links during the development of the criteria, and there was a focus on sites that were already close to existing or developing mass transit corridors. The Mayor noted that the Backstage Academy was already providing opportunities for young people and similar businesses would further improve the opportunities in any location.


Langthwaite Enterprise Zone – Wakefield


Officers explained the site was already owned by the Combined Authority, and additional funding would allow for the purchase of adjoining land for the development of an access road and further development of the site.




With respect to Employment Land Accelerator Fund the Combined Authority approved that:


      i.         The Employment Land Accelerator Fund scheme proceed through decision point 2 to 4 (business justification) and work commence on activity 5 (delivery).


     ii.         Approval to the Combined Authority’s contribution of £2,000,000. The total scheme value is £2,000,000.


    iii.         Future approvals be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the submitted report. Where required, any future committee level approvals be delegated to the Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee.


With respect to Enterprise Zone Langthwaite Business Park Extension the Combined Authority approved that:


      i.         The Enterprise Zone Langthwaite Business Park Extension scheme proceed through decision point 4 (FBC) and work commences on activity 5 (Delivery), subject to the conditions set by the Programme Appraisal Team.


     ii.         Subject to the conditions set by the Programme Appraisal Team, approval of £11,626,000 be given, taking the total approval to £12,678,000. The total scheme value is £12,678,000.


    iii.         Approval of £350,000 development costs, from the total approval, taking the approval to date to £1,402,000.


   iv.         Approval be granted for the purchase of additional land adjacent to Onward Way for provision of the access road.


     v.         Future approvals be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the submitted report. Where required, any future committee level approvals be delegated to the Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee.

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