Agenda item

Governance and Appointment Arrangements

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Melanie Corcoran)


Resolved: The Combined Authority agreed:


That with effect from 17 February 2023, Councillor Sam Firth replaces Councillor Matthew Robinson as one of the three political balance members of the Combined Authority be noted.


That Councillor Sam Firth be appointed to the Governance and Audit Committee as the Conservative Group replacement for Councillor Matthew Robinson.


That the resignation of Councillor Peter Harrand as Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee be noted, and Councillor Geoff Winnard be appointed as his replacement.


That a representative of the Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) be appointed as a non-voting advisory representative to the Employment and Skills Committee.


That the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel at Appendix 1 and determines the level of remuneration which is expected to be paid to the LEP Chair from the start of the new municipal year be considered.


That the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with the Mayor, the LEP Chair as appropriate and following notification to Combined Authority members, to make future appointments to the roles of Exec Director, Chief Operating Officer and Director following the outcome of the respective recruitment processes.


Members received a report regarding several changes to committee membership, to consider the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) in relation to the payment of remuneration to the LEP Chair. Given the gap between meetings,  the appointment of Executive Directors, the Chief Operating Officer, and Directors was agreed to be  delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Mayor and following notification to Combined Authority members.


Mark Roberts left the room during the discussion of the Independent Remuneration Panel.


The Mayor noted that the input of private sector members is invaluable to the Combined Authority, and the outcome of the IRP was discussed at the previous meeting of the LEP. The Spring budget was clear that LEP funding would end by 2024. Officers noted the IRP report has been provided to members, and clarified the panel was chaired by Declan Hall and joined by Fara Butt to provide broader private sector input. The panel recognised the changes to the role of LEP Chair and so the is the potential need to review the outcome if it is required.

Members questioned if the LEP Chair being a Mayoral appointment will affect the level of scrutiny. Officers responded the LEP Chair is expected to be a member of the Combined Authority and subject to the same code of conduct as the elected members, and the three scrutiny panels will also have the same level of oversight as at present. Members agreed the need for private sector input and noted that members will make any concerns known if the LEP Chair does not deliver in their role.


Officers noted that Cllr Sam Firth has replaced Cllr Robinson a member of the Combined authority, as well as the Governance and Audit Committee.

Officers noted that Cllr Peter Harrand has resigned as Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Geoff Winnard is recommended as his replacement. The Mayor expressed thanks to Cllr Harrand for his work during his tenure as Chair.


The Mayor noted that further recruitment to director posts may be made ahead of the annual meeting and so for expediency the Chief Executive should be delegated authority to make the appointments.


The Mayor announced the appointment of Simon Warburton to the post of Executive Director for Transport, and noted his experience developing transport in Greater Manchester will be crucial to the Combined Authority achieving its ambitions.


Resolved: The Combined Authority agreed:


That with effect from 17 February 2023, Councillor Sam Firth replaces Councillor Matthew Robinson as one of the three political balance members of the Combined Authority be noted.


That Councillor Sam Firth be appointed to the Governance and Audit Committee as the Conservative Group replacement for Councillor Matthew Robinson.


That the resignation of Councillor Peter Harrand as Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee be noted, and Councillor Geoff Winnard be appointed as his replacement.


That a representative of the Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) be appointed as a non-voting advisory representative to the Employment and Skills Committee.


That the report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel at Appendix 1 and determines the level of remuneration which is expected to be paid to the LEP Chair from the start of the new municipal year be considered.


That the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with the Mayor, the LEP Chair as appropriate and following notification to Combined Authority members, to make future appointments to the roles of Exec Director, Chief Operating Officer and Director following the outcome of the respective recruitment processes.

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