Agenda item

Bus Service Improvement Plan and Enhanced Partnership Update and approvals


That the Transport Committee notes the updates on the Enhanced Partnership and the implementation of the Bus Service Improvement Plan.


The Transport Committee approves the following subject to the conditions recommended by the Project Appraisal Team and set out in the decision point certificate:


(i)             The Bus Service Improvement Plan proceeds through decision point 2 (strategic outline case) and work commences on development of the relevant business case for each individual scheme.


(ii)            An indicative approval to the Combined Authority Costs of up to £69,974,070 is given. The total programme cost is £69,974,070.


(iii)          Approval to the delivery costs to May 2023 of £11,893,176 for the Mayors Fares scheme are given and work commences on activity 4 (full business case). The total scheme value is £33,974,070.


(iv)          Approval to the delivery costs of £1,000,000 for the Enhanced Safer Travel Partnership scheme (under the Supporting Bus Priority & Safety theme) are given and work commences on activity 5 (delivery)


(v)           Approval to the delivery costs of £1,000,000 for the Business to Customer Sales and Marketing, including behaviour change, (under the Clear and Simple Fares theme) are given and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


(vi)          Approval to the delivery costs of £500,000 for the Travel Plan Network Team (under the Clear and Simple Fares theme) are given and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


(vii)         Approval to the development cost of £2,430,000 is given.


(viii)       The Combined Authority provides funding to bus operators for the Mayor’s Fares scheme under an adopted Reimbursement Scheme the operation of which is delegated to the Director of Transport & Property Services.


(ix)          Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report and where required, any change requests are delegated to the Transport Committee. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the Appendix to this report.


Transport Committee members received an update on the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) funding, the Mayor’s Fares, the Bus Network Plan development, and the corresponding Enhanced Partnership scheme. Approval of funding was requested for delivery costs for the Mayor’s Fares scheme, and development costs for other schemes within the BSIP portfolio.


Officers confirmed the agreement of the enhanced partnership scheme, which was a requirement to access the BSIP funding. Officers confirmed that the Department for Transport will honour the payment despite recent economic changes, and so the Combined Authority will be able to draw down the funding to deliver the component schemes. Transport Committee members have taken part in workshops to discuss the schemes, and more workshops will take place for future updates.


Officers provided an update regarding the Mayor’s Fares scheme. Early indications show that bus patronage has increased among adults compared with the months prior to the introduction of the scheme, though a more detailed analysis will be undertaken using the first three months of data. Customer feedback has been positive, and members were encouraged to share their own or any other feedback. Members requested to see the bus patronage data in a report, officers replied that they are still working with operators to obtain and analyse the data.


Members raised concerns regarding the cost of the Mayor’s fares scheme, suggesting other potential network improvements that could be made with the same funding. Officers confirmed that BSIP funding can be used alongside City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) funding, alongside additional funds such as section 106 for further improvements.


Members raised concerns about the reported figure for marketing costs. Officers confirmed that the marketing covers promotions and also education as a deterrent to antisocial behaviour which has been prevalent around West Yorkshire. Updates can be provided to the committee at a future meeting.


Members questioned the reported value for money of the BSIP scheme. Officers responded the figure is based on the entire BSIP programme, however the programme will be made up of smaller elements which will be analysed individually and presented separately to the Transport Committee for approval. The initial funding request was for £100 million but the final figure is slightly under £70 million and so this should be considered when assessing the maximum achievable value. The Department for Transport requires annual reporting but since there has been a delay in receiving the funding the reporting dates will need to be set. Officers confirmed Transport Committee members will see the figures to be reported to the DfT before they are sent.




That the updates on the Enhanced Partnership and the implementation of the Bus Service Improvement Plan be noted.


The following be approved subject to the conditions recommended by the Project Appraisal Team and set out in the decision point certificate:


(i)             The Bus Service Improvement Plan proceeds through decision point 2 (strategic outline case) and work commences on development of the relevant business case for each individual scheme.


(ii)            An indicative approval to the Combined Authority Costs of up to £69,974,070 is given. The total programme cost is £69,974,070.


(iii)          Approval to the delivery costs to May 2023 of £11,893,176 for the Mayors Fares scheme are given and work commences on activity 4 (full business case). The total scheme value is £33,974,070.


(iv)          Approval to the delivery costs of £1,000,000 for the Enhanced Safer Travel Partnership scheme (under the Supporting Bus Priority & Safety theme) are given and work commences on activity 5 (delivery)


(v)           Approval to the delivery costs of £1,000,000 for the Business to Customer Sales and Marketing, including behaviour change, (under the Clear and Simple Fares theme) are given and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


(vi)          Approval to the delivery costs of £500,000 for the Travel Plan Network Team (under the Clear and Simple Fares theme) are given and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


(vii)         Approval to the development cost of £2,430,000 is given.


(viii)       The Combined Authority provides funding to bus operators for the Mayor’s Fares scheme under an adopted Reimbursement Scheme the operation of which is delegated to the Director of Transport & Property Services.


(ix)          Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report and where required, any change requests are delegated to the Transport Committee. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the Appendix to this report.

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