Venue: Due to Covid-19, this meeting will be held remotely and will be livestreamed here: (copy and paste the link in your browser)
No. | Item |
Chair's Comments Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised Members that this was Councillor Judith Blake’s last meeting as she had become a Peer in the House of Lords and was now officially Baroness Blake of Leeds. Members and officers passed on their good wishes and congratulations to Baroness Blake on her achievement and thanked her for the hard work she had done for the Leeds City Region and nationally.
In response, Baroness Blake thanked the Chair, Members and officers for their kind comments and looked forward to continue working closely with the Authority in the future.
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Keith Aspden and Shabir Pandor. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Stewart Golton declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 11, MCA Preparations, as he was the Liberal Democrat candidate for the role of West Yorkshire Mayor.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1. To highlight Appendices 1-3 to Agenda Item 13 which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2. To consider whether or not to accept the officers’ recommendation in respect of the above information as set out in paragraph 9.1 of Agenda Item 13.
3. If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Appendices 1-3 to Agenda Item 13 on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information and for the reasons set out in the report that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved: That in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Appendices 1-3 to Agenda Item 13 on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information and for the reasons set out in the report that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Minutes of the Meeting of the Combined Authority held on 10 December 2020 PDF 184 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority held on 10 December 2020 be approved. |
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
(a) That the Combined Authority approves £5 million gainshare for local COVID recovery to support the delivery of local recovery plans.
(b) That the latest update around the economic impacts of COVID-19 and progress on the delivery and development of the response to the crisis, including on the economic recovery plan be noted.
Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Directors of Economic Services and Policy, Strategy and Communications which:
· Provided an update on developments around the COVID-19 crisis, including economic intelligence and the delivery and development of products and services in response. · Provided an update on progress on the West Yorkshire Economic Recovery Plan. · Sought approval for £5 million of immediate local recovery funding across West Yorkshire resulting from the local Economic Recovery Plans.
Members discussed the work being undertaken to support the region to respond to COVID-19. This included the business, employment and skills support being provided and the longer-term planning for West Yorkshire’s economic recovery. Further information in respect of the support being given to businesses and the impact of the investments being made to them would be circulated to Members. It was reported that an independent evaluation of business support activities was being undertaken and a report would be brought to a future meeting.
It was reported that further work has been undertaken in partnership with the five West Yorkshire Local Authorities and the report outlined a request for the funding of key cultural and local economic initiatives to support recovery using £5 million from the gainshare part of the Single Investment Fund (SIF). It was proposed that given the urgent need to support the recovery, delivery will take place at the earliest opportunity, in advance of the SIF being established. It was acknowledged that this is an exceptional arrangement and that all future gainshare/SIF proposals will be approved through the route defined in the Assurance Framework.
It was noted that it has not been possible to provide the statutory 28 days’ notice of this key decision being considered due to the need to approve immediate local recovery funding as a priority action to support the local Economic Recovery Plans. However, in accordance with the Combined Authority’s Access to Information Annex to Procedure Standing Orders (part 1 section 7C – General Exception), the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been notified and notification has been published on the Authority’s website. Accordingly, as set out in the rules of General Exception, the Combined Authority may still make the decision.
A report on further funding proposals for business support, focussing on start-ups, entrepreneurship and innovation will be prepared for the next meeting.
(a) That the Combined Authority approves £5 million gainshare for local COVID-19 recovery to support the delivery of local recovery plans.
(b) That the latest update around the economic impacts of COVID-19 and progress on the delivery and development of the response to the crisis, including on the economic recovery plan be noted. |
Capital Spending and Project Approvals PDF 834 KB (Lead Member: Cllr D Jeffery, Director: Melanie Corcoran) Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved:
(a) In respect of the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund Review –
That following a recommendation from the Investment Committee, the Combined Authority approves:
(i) That the proposed revised funding allocations as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report be approved. (ii) That following a number of requests for funding being received for projects within operational programmes, costs should be managed within the operational programme allocation. It is proposed that any changes to individual projects should be considered by each operational programme board and final recommendations brought for approval to the Investment Committee as and when required. These requests must remain within the envelope of each operational programme. (iii) That it be noted that the original purpose of the Corridor Improvement Programme was to provide small to medium scale measures to road corridors to improve traffic flow and bus access. Informal agreement was that costs per project should not exceed £15 million and it was agreed that this should be formalised to help to ensure that the programme budget can be managed within the current funding envelope. (iv) That the revised programme dates for each project as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report be approved. (v) That in future: o Over-programming will be capped at the current level (£115.19 million or 11.5%). o All indicative funding levels will be capped, except: a. Where projects are part of an operational programme in this case funding can move between projects or take up unallocated programme headroom funding (all amendments to allocations within operational programmes must be approved by the Investment Committee). b. In exceptional circumstances. Officers of the Combined Authority and partner councils will work together to set out the events that would trigger this consideration. Any additional funding requirement will be subject to the availability of headroom within the overprogramming and would need to be agreed before the business case can be approved. c. The Transport Fund will continue to be reviewed annually (commencing in August each year to inform the annual budget setting process). The scope of the review will include: any increased requirement for funding; actual spend and forecast spend; review of overall progress (number of projects in development, delivery and complete); monitoring of the level of over-programming and the estimates of QRA /contingency; and project timetable dates. (Note: decreases in funding can be agreed at any time). d. An interim review will also be undertaken in the spring of 2021 to consider any urgent requests for increases or decreases in project indicative allocation. This review will have a turnaround time of one month and will be undertaken following closure of the annual accounts in May each year and be considered by the Investment Committee at its meeting in July. e. Within the year each operational programme boards will consider requests for changes to funding allocations. Any changes to indicative funding allocations will be reported back to the Investment Committee. f. Underspend on completed projects or completed operational programmes will be ... view the full decision text for item 83. Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director, Delivery on the progress and funding for the following schemes through the Combined Authority’s assurance process:
· MCA Digital · A64 Regent Street Bridge – Leeds City Centre Package · Thorpe Park Rail Station
In addition, it was noted that the following decision points and change requests had been assessed and approved through the agreed delegation process:
· One City Park, Bradford · Corridor Improvement Programme Phase 1, Huddersfield Southern Corridors · Parry Lane Enterprise Zone · Strategic Inward Investment Fund (SIIF) Pipeline Projects · Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme (LTPTIP) Review 2020 – Part One · Bradford ‘City Village’ Phase 1 · Knottingley Skills, Business and Services Hub · Leeds City Centre Grey to Green · White Rose Rail Station · A647 Corridor · Leeds City Region Employment Hubs – supporting the Economic Recovery Plan · [re]boot – Adult Retraining Programme
It was reported that a second review of the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund had been undertaken and had been considered by the Investment Committee on 7 January 2021. The Authority approved the recommendations of the Investment Committee which included the proposed funding allocations which were set out in Appendix 1 and the revised programme dates for each project provided in Appendix 2
Members were advised that at their meeting held on 3 February 2021, the Investment Committee had considered an extension of the [re]boot Adult Retraining Programme as part of the West Yorkshire Economic Recovery Plan. Details were provided in the submitted report and it was agreed that approval be delegated to the Investment Committee in order to ensure preparations can be made so the programme can start in line with Government’s delivery timeframe.
Details of all the schemes were provided in the submitted report.
(a) In respect of the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund Review –
That following a recommendation from the Investment Committee, the Combined Authority approves:
(i) That the proposed revised funding allocations as set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report be approved. (ii) That following a number of requests for funding being received for projects within operational programmes, costs should be managed within the operational programme allocation. It is proposed that any changes to individual projects should be considered by each operational programme board and final recommendations brought for approval to the Investment Committee as and when required. These requests must remain within the envelope of each operational programme. (iii) That it be noted that the original purpose of the Corridor Improvement Programme was to provide small to medium scale measures to road corridors to improve traffic flow and bus access. Informal agreement was that costs per project should not exceed £15 million and it was agreed that this should be formalised to help to ensure that the programme budget can be managed within the current funding envelope. (iv) That the revised programme dates for each project as set out in Appendix 2 to the submitted report be approved. (v) That in future: o Over-programming will be capped at the current level (£115.19 million ... view the full minutes text for item 83. |
(Lead Member: Cllr K Groves, Director: Dave Pearson) Additional documents: Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director Transport and Property Services on COVID bus funding.
The report provided an update on the current position regarding bus service funding and the uncertainties and cost pressures the ongoing situation was creating in managing the budget for 2021/22.
It was noted that the uncertainty around the continuation of funding to offset the reduced passenger revenues will be a significant financial issue for the Combined Authority in 2021/22. A letter had been sent to the Secretary of State for Transport, jointly signed by all political leaders on the Combined Authority. This had set out the issues and sought assurance that the Government will work closely with the Leeds City Region to support the recovery of bus services essential in rebuilding the economy. A copy of the letter was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report. The Authority was advised that an additional letter had also been sent from the Conservative Group and a positive response received.
At this stage, the budget for bus funding will be based on expenditure in 2020/21 and will be kept under review when further clarification on the recovery funding is received. It was expected that further details would become available, possibly in March 2021, when the Government’s National Bus Strategy is published and a report would be brought to a future meeting.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
Budget and Business Plan 2021/22 PDF 657 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved:
(a) That the Combined Authority proposed revenue budget for 2021/22 be approved.
(b) That the indicative capital programme and budget for 2020/21 – 2023/24 be approved.
(c) That progress on the 2021/22 business plan be noted.
(d) That £1.5 million of the 2021/22 gainshare to meet the costs of both the Mayor’s Office and mayor readiness costs that are incurred in 2021/22, including final costs of the election process be approved.
(e) That approval be given to use the 2021/22 Mayoral Capacity Fund of £1 million to meet the additional capacity/support costs as set out in the submitted report.
(f) That the Transport Committee be delegated to approve individual schemes within the integrated transport block of the 2021/22 capital programme up to a maximum cost of £3 million.
(g) That in accordance with the powers contained in the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (as amended) and by virtue of article 9(6) of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Order and the Transport Levying Bodies Regulations 2015 (as amended) a levy of £103 million be determined for the year ended 31 March 2022.
(h) That the Director, Corporate Services be authorised to issue the levy letter in respect of the financial year ending 31 March 2022 to the five District Councils in West Yorkshire.
(i) That a payment of £5.09 million be made to the five District Councils in accordance with Table 2 of the report.
(j) That authorisation be given to the Director, Corporate Services to arrange appropriate funding for all expenditure in 2020/21 and 2021/22 subject to statutory limitation, including the most appropriate application of capital funding as set out in the report.
(k) That once funding is received, approval be given for the Director, Corporate Services to approve payment of highways maintenance funding and the pothole action fund, to be paid quarterly to the West Yorkshire local authorities in accordance with the DfT formula.
(l) That approval be given to the continuing of the policy, effective from 2017/18, for recovering the Combined Authority costs of managing the capital programme against the capital programme spend being mainly West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund, Transforming Cities, Getting Building Fund, Brownfield Housing, Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport and any schemes developed in year. For 2021/22 the estimated total value is £9.6 million (2% - 3% of the total capital programme).
(m) That the adoption of the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Public Services be reaffirmed.
(n) That the treasury management policy as set out in Appendix 5 be approved.
(o) That the prudential limits for the next three years as set out in Appendix 5 be adopted. Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director, Corporate Services which:
· Sought approval to the proposed revenue budget and transport levy for 2021/22, the indicative capital budget and programme and treasury management statement.
· Sought approval to the summary business plan for 2021/22 that sets out the services, activities and priorities for the organisation in the coming year.
· Sought approval for the revised forecast outturn revenue position for 2020/21.
Revenue Budget Position 2020/21
Members noted the final forecast position which was set out in Appendix 1. This included, as previously approved, some use of gainshare to support the costs of transition to becoming a mayoral combined authority, including early election costs and legal and project resources.
Business Plan 2021/22
It was reported that all directorates had produced a detailed business plan and a summary of the overarching business plan for the organisation for 2021/22 was attached at Appendix 2. A public facing corporate plan was being developed, and this would draw on the information in the business plans to demonstrate what the Combined Authority and LEP intend to deliver for people in the region in the coming year.
Revenue Budget 2021/22
Members considered the draft baseline revenue budget which was set out in Appendix 3. This assumes that the transport levy is maintained at the current level. It was noted that the budget for 2021/22 will be the first for the Combined Authority as a ‘mayoral combined authority’. It was recognised that the budget was not without risks and challenges and these were set out in the report. The future funding position for local authorities, combined authorities and LEPs was still unclear and the pressures and demands to support the region following the exit from the EU and the pandemic were acknowledged.
Details of the Reserves Policy were outlined in the submitted report and the workings for this year’s reserves policy were set out in Table 1.
Transport Levy
Details of the net and gross levy by population were provided in Table 2. It was noted that local authorities will be notified of the transport levy by mid-February 2021.
Capital Strategy
It was noted that the capital strategy was currently being reviewed/revised and will be brought to a future meeting for approval.
Capital Budget
The Authority noted the capital funding available to the Combined Authority for 2021/22 and the subsequent years and the indicative capital programme expenditure which were outlined in the submitted report. The capital expenditure and funding budget estimates for the period 2020/21 to 2023/24 were set out in Appendix 4.
It was reported that the Investment Committee would continue to be a key part of the process whereby programmes and projects are considered and recommended for progression. It was also proposed that the arrangement for the Transport Committee to approve Integrated Block funded projects up to a value of £3 million is continued.
Treasury Management
Members noted the Treasury Management Statement which was attached at Appendix 5 and had been endorsed by the Governance & Audit Committee.
(Lead Member: Cllr S Hinchcliffe, Director: Alan Reiss) Additional documents: Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director, Policy, Strategy and Communications which provided an update on EU exit, including the implications of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
Members discussed the support being provided to businesses as many were finding it difficult to adjust to the changes. It was recognised that the volume of EU Exit-related enquiries was rising and some required specialist support because they were complex. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) had allocated c.£250,000 to assist in the delivery of business support up to 31 March 2021. Enterprise Growth Solutions (EGS) have been appointed to deliver an EU Exit support service which will provide advice via a team of experts and this facility will be initially available until the end of March 2021. It was also proposed to appoint two delivery partners to provide advice with legal and finance issues related to EU Exit and it was expected that additional support in respect of marketing and communications would be provided in the near future
It was noted that as a result of the EU-UK Agreement further financial resources may be required to support businesses in maximising the opportunities and minimising any potential negative impacts of the deal’s implementation. This would be subject to further analysis and intelligence relating to key issues.
(a) That the initial analysis of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement be noted.
(b) That the business support activity being undertaken in West Yorkshire be noted.
(Lead Member: Cllr J Blake, Director: Alan Reiss) Additional documents: Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director, Policy, Strategy and Communications which provided an update on strategic rail matters affecting the Leeds City Region.
Members discussed and noted the updates which included
· Rail Strategy · Rail Needs Assessment and Integrated Plan · Spending Review and Impact on rail budget · Northern Powerhouse Rail Strategic Outline Case · Union Connectivity Review · Rail Industry Reform
It was noted that the Rail Needs Assessment had been published by the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) and the West Yorkshire Leaders had written to the Secretary of State for Transport highlighting their concerns. It was considered that the report did not sufficiently address the economic consequences if the rail projects for the region did not go ahead. Whilst there was a focus on regional connectivity and an attempt to look at the packaging of schemes their conclusions were considered to be insufficient to address the levelling up agenda for the North and that the future of the region’s long-awaited rail schemes were being compromised because of other projects such as HS2 going over budget elsewhere in the country.
It was reported that an initial preferred Northern Powerhouse Rail network had been endorsed by TfN and they would submit the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) in Spring 2021.
Members expressed their concern regarding the delay to the publication of the Williams Rail Review and associated White Paper and its treatment of rail devolution. This had originally been expected to published in Autumn 2019 but was now expected early in 2021.
An independent review on connectivity in the UK was being undertaken by Sir Peter Hendy. An interim report was due to published in the near future and a final report setting out recommendations in Summer 2021.
Resolved: That the report be noted. |
(Lead Member: Cllr S Hinchcliffe, Director: Alan Reiss) Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved:
(a) In respect of MCA Governance, the Combined Authority approves:
(i) That decision-making in respect of the Non-Mayoral Functions be carried out under current arrangements, subject to the outcome of any future general review of committee arrangements, and any amendments to be made by the Head of Legal and Governance Services under delegated authority and in consultation with the Chair of the Combined authority to facilitate their implementation.
(ii) That authority be delegated to the Head of Legal and Governance Services, in consultation with the Chair of the Combined Authority, to make any amendments to existing governance arrangements to facilitate the implementation of the new Non-Mayoral Functions.
(iii) That the Head of Legal and Governance Services be authorised to extend the remit of the Independent Remuneration Panel to include any other allowances should such a review be needed at any time in the next 12 months, and to determine and pay an allowance or expenses to the members of the Independent Remuneration Panel.
(b) In respect of the organisational structure:
(i) That an amendment to the Combined Authority’s establishment be approved to create an additional Director position and separate out the current Policy, Strategy and Communications Directorate.
(ii) That the proposed role profiles and approach to recruiting to the subsequent vacant position be endorsed, delegating finalisation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director, in consultation with Members as set out in paragraph 2.54 of the submitted report.
(iii) That authority be give to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director to implement interim arrangements if required. Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Managing Director on Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA) preparations which:
· Provided an update on work underway to become an MCA and to implement the ‘minded to’ devolution deal agreed between West Yorkshire Leaders and Government on 11 March 2020.
· Sought approval on the decision-making arrangements for new Non-Mayoral Functions.
· Sought approval on the proposals to recruit and appoint an additional Director post to accommodate the extra functions that will result from the move to an MCA.
It was reported that the Mayoral Order had been debated and passed in both the House of Commons and House of Lords. Members welcomed the confirmation of the landmark West Yorkshire devolution deal. It was noted it had taken many years to finalise and the Chair thanked both Members and officers for the achievement.
Progress across the three areas of the MCA Ready Programme – Partnerships, Organisational Readiness and Deal Implementation was outlined in the report. It was noted that Combined Authority officers are working closely with the Electoral Services Manager at Leeds City Council in order to prepare for the election of the Mayor in May 2021. It was agreed that the Chief Executive of Leeds City Council be appointed as the Combined Authority Returning Officer (CARO), supported by the Combined Authority’s Managing Director as one of the Deputy Combined Authority Returning Officers.
The Authority considered and approved the recommendations in respect of the decision-making arrangements for the new non-mayoral functions and MCA governance which were set out in the report. It was reported that the Assurance Framework had been revised to include the Mayoral Combined Authority’s role and remit including the Mayor’s role in decision-making and this had now been formally approved by Government.
Members considered the review of the organisational structure which had been undertaken and discussed the proposed amendments which included an additional Director post. The Authority approved the proposed amendments and endorsed the role profiles and approach to recruiting to the additional Director position.
(a) In respect of MCA Governance, the Combined Authority approves:
(i) That decision-making in respect of the Non-Mayoral Functions be carried out under current arrangements, subject to the outcome of any future general review of committee arrangements, and any amendments to be made by the Head of Legal and Governance Services under delegated authority and in consultation with the Chair of the Combined authority to facilitate their implementation.
(ii) That authority be delegated to the Head of Legal and Governance Services, in consultation with the Chair of the Combined Authority, to make any amendments to existing governance arrangements to facilitate the implementation of the new Non-Mayoral Functions.
(iii) That the Head of Legal and Governance Services be authorised to extend the remit of the Independent Remuneration Panel to include any other allowances should such a review be needed at any time in the next 12 months, and to determine and pay an allowance or expenses to the members of the Independent Remuneration Panel.
(b) In ... view the full minutes text for item 88. |
Corporate Planning & Performance PDF 164 KB (Lead Member: Cllr S Hinchcliffe, Director: Angela Taylor) Additional documents: Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director, Corporate Services which provided an update on corporate performance including progress against corporate plan priorities and risk management.
Members noted the summary of the performance against the key performance indictors and strategic organisational risks which were provided in Appendix 1.
In respect of the revenue budget position 2020/21, the Authority had considered a separate report on the agenda which provided full information on the revenue budgets for 2020/21 and 2021/22.
Resolved: That the information provided on corporate performance be noted.
European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) – Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) PDF 348 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved: That the Combined Authority, in its role as the Intermediate Body for the SUD part of the ESIF programme, approves the advice included in the full assessment forms at part 2 of exempt Appendices 2 and 3 to allow the Managing Authority to now issue a funding agreement subject to the proposed conditions set out in the full assessments being fully met. Minutes: The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director, Corporate Services on the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) – Sustainable Urban Development (SUD).
It was reported that the Investment Committee had considered the detail and endorsed the advice and decision provided in the two full assessment forms which were attached as Exempt Appendices 2 and 3.
In its role as the Intermediate Body (IB), the Combined Authority discussed and agreed the recommendations and advice provided in the exempt appendices. Members raised the importance of the flood risk authorities being involved in the assessment of the Erringden Hillside Flood Alleviation Scheme. Confirmation of this would be sought and Members’ comments reflected in the assessment. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), as Managing Authority (MA), will finalise its assessment and make its decision based on a reconciliation to the available budget.
Resolved: That the Combined Authority, in its role as the Intermediate Body for the SUD part of the ESIF programme, approves the advice included in the full assessment forms at part 2 of exempt Appendices 2 and 3 to allow the Managing Authority to now issue a funding agreement subject to the proposed conditions set out in the full assessments being fully met. |
Minutes for Information PDF 251 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Combined Authority noted the minutes of the committees and panels that have been published on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s website since the last meeting.
Resolved: That the minutes of the Combined Authority’s committees and panels be noted. |