Agenda, decisions and minutes

West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Thursday, 14th March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 1, Wellington House, 40-50 Wellington Street, Leeds


No. Item


Chair's Opening Remarks

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The Chair opened the Combined Authority meeting by acknowledging the packed agenda. She noted that key decisions on Bus Reform, Mass Transit, and the Better Homes Hub were prepared for discussion, representing months of dedicated work by officers. Notable achievements included the construction of thousands of affordable homes, significant investments in public transport, and the creation of over 1,000 green jobs. The Chair observed that the Combined Authority was looking to achieve further devolution and that a letter from The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, had praised the institution's performance. The Chair concluded her remarks by welcoming Councillor Barry Anderson to the meeting as he had been invited to contribute to Agenda Item 14.


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Denise Jeffrey (Wakefield Council) and Councillor Jane Scullion (Calderdale Council).


Councillor Matthew Morley (Wakefield Council) attended as the substitute for Councillor Denise Jeffrey and Councillor Stewart Golton (Leeds Council) attended as the substitute for Councillor Holdsworth.


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

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There were no declarations of pecuniary interests at the meeting.



Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1.       To highlight Agenda Item 13d, Appendix 9 – Zero Emission Bus Regional Area (ZEBRA) (listed as 13d(10) on the agenda) which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2.       To consider whether or not to accept the officers’ recommendation in respect of the above information as set out Agenda Item 13d, Appendix 9 – Zero Emission Bus Regional Area (ZEBRA).


3.       If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED – That in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Agenda Item 13d, Appendix 9 – Zero Emission Bus Regional Area (ZEBRA) on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information and for the reasons set out in the report that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Additional documents:


The Chair had advised members of the Combined Authority that Agenda Item 13d, Appendix 9 – Zero Emission Bus Regional Area (ZEBRA) (listed as 13d(10) on the agenda) had been identified by officers as containing exempt information within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers had considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


The Combined Authority was asked to accept the recommendation in respect of the Agenda Item listed above, which was unanimously agreed.




That in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, the public were excluded from the meeting during

consideration of Agenda Item 13d, Appendix 9 – Zero Emission Bus Regional Area (ZEBRA) on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information and for the reasons set out in the report that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Combined Authority held on 1 February 2024 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Combined Authority held on 1 February 2024 be approved as a correct record.



Bus Reform pdf icon PDF 433 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Simon Warburton)


Additional documents:




(i)              The Combined Authority noted the completion of the consultation process, its extent and the responses received.


(ii)             The Combined Authority noted and considered the contents of the Consultation Response Report at Appendix 2 and associated documents, including the Bus Reform Assessment, and endorsed the Combined Authority’s response to the consultation summarised in the report and set out at Appendix 2.


(iii)           The Combined Authority recommended to the Mayor that she make a franchising scheme as set out at Appendix 3, complying with all associated statutory requirements, rather than recommending that the Combined Authority pursue an Enhanced Partnership Plus.


(iv)           That following a decision by the Mayor whether or not to make a franchising scheme, the Combined Authority agreed to adopt and publish the Combined Authority’s response to the consultation, together with the Mayor’s decision as the report to be published by the Combined Authority under section 123G(1) of the Transport Act 2000 (the “Act”) and in accordance with s123G(2) of the Act to give notice to the traffic commissioner.


(v)             That if the Mayor decided to make a franchising scheme, the Combined Authority would publish the scheme set out at Appendix 3 on behalf of the Mayor at the same time as the Consultation Response Report (Appendix 2) to be published under section 123G(1) of the Act; and, at the same time, publish a transitional notice in the terms set out in Appendix 4 and then within 14 days of date upon which transitional notice is published, give notice to the traffic commissioner of its publication on behalf of the Mayor if the Mayor so decides (or alternatively WYCA) as required by the Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Franchising Schemes Transitional Provisions and Amendments) (England) Regulations 2018. Further, the Combined Authority agreed that, in conducting the procurement process for the provision of local services, the Combined Authority would facilitate the involvement of small and medium sized operators in the provision of local services as set out at Appendix 5 (s123G(3) of the Act); and commence with mobilisation of franchising, noting section 2.140 – 2.160 of the report (Mobilisation).


(vi)           That if the Mayor recommended that the Combined Authority pursued Enhanced Partnership Plus, to commence with mobilisation of Enhanced Partnership Plus, noting section 2.140 – 2.160 of the report (Mobilisation).


(vii)          The Combined Authority approved the repurposing of the remaining £2,883,150 funding approved for the preparation of the assessment to be used for initial mobilisation costs.


Mayoral Decision


Having considered all of the evidence and being satisfied that all legal requirements had been complied with, the Mayor decided on behalf of the Combined Authority, and in accordance with Section 123G (4) of the Transport Act 2000, (as amended by the Bus Services Act 2017), to make the West Yorkshire Franchising Scheme and publish the transitional notice set out in Appendix 4 of the Combined Authority report.




The Combined Authority considered a report of the Executive Director for Transport regarding Bus Reform, the Consultation Response, and associated documents, with the aim of deciding between recommending a franchising scheme or pursuing Enhanced Partnership Plus for West Yorkshire's bus services.


The Mayor highlighted the importance of addressing the region's bus services, stressing the need for significant changes like public control, simplified fares, and greener options. She noted that the proposals had been developed over two years through consultations, resulting in initiatives such as the Enhanced Partnership and assessment of Franchising. The outcomes of the consultation had been independently analysed, leading to a response report prepared by the Combined Authority. Members were requested to review the report and make recommendations.


Prior to members considering the report, the Deputy Director of Legal, Governance, and Compliance, covered procedural matters, noting an addendum published correcting minor errors in the Bus Reform appendices. The Deputy Director assured members that these errors did not affect the report's analysis, recommendations, or conclusions. The Deputy Director then outlined the decision-making process.


Consultation Overview

The Bus Reform consultation in West Yorkshire, which took place from October 2023 to January 2024, engaged stakeholders through various methods. Most respondents supported the franchising scheme due to industry challenges, environmental concerns, and improved service. Economic, Commercial, Financial, and Management cases favoured franchising, addressing value, risk, affordability, and management doubts. Collaboration and passenger-centric approaches were emphasised. Minor adjustments were made to accommodate post-pandemic needs. If approved, contracts would start in 2027, considering impacts on smaller operators and legal requirements, showing responsiveness to transit needs.


Debate on the Proposals by Members of the Combined Authority


After the Bus Reform Report presentation, members of the Combined Authority debated the options outlined in the paper. A range of views were expressed by members both in relation to bus franchising and Enhanced Partnership Plus as part of the consideration of the item.


Members raised questions relating to the continuity of cross-boundary services and the impact on small operators in a franchising model. The Executive Director for Transport addressed these, detailing costs, and efforts to accommodate small operators. Questions regarding public involvement in setting routes and schedules were raised, emphasising the need for effective governance to ensure accountability.


Questions arose about budget allocation and funding sources, with transition costs funded through Gain Share Benefits. Securing government funding for zero-emission buses was highlighted, along with the need for consultation on service changes.


The urgency of addressing West Yorkshire's lack of essential services was emphasised, stressing the importance of consultation with stakeholders. Risk-sharing arrangements to mitigate public sector risks were emphasised, along with the need for prompt decisions under the Bus Services Act to avoid delays.


Councillor Lamb and Councillor Poulson considered Enhanced Bus Partnership as the quickest, cheapest, and most efficient means of improvement whilst other members considered that franchising was the best option to deliver the change required. A majority of members endorsed the recommendation for franchising, with Councillor Lamb and Poulson dissenting from this view.


Resolved:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


West Yorkshire Mass Transit: Outcomes from the first Strategic Outline Case in advance of submission to the DfT and subsequent consultation and engagement activities pdf icon PDF 1 MB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Luke Albanese)


Additional documents:




      i.         The Combined Authority noted the SOC work that had been undertaken and delegated submission of the SOC to the DfT to the Executive Director for Transport for submission to the Department for Transport in consultation with the Mayor.


     ii.         The Combined Authority approved the continued development of Phase 1a of the Mass Transit Programme and the commencement of the work on the development of the Outline Business Case and Transport and Works Act Order application.


    iii.         The Combined Authority approved commencing wider stakeholder engagement in March 2024 and public consultation on Phase 1a in Summer 2024.


   iv.         The Combined Authority approved the allocation of up to £1 million funds from the Mass Transit budget to support the Dewsbury Line Development Project in parallel with the development of the future Kirklees Local Plan.


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Mass Transit detailing the progress and development of the Mass Transit Phase 1 Strategic Outline Case (SOC).


The Chair mentioned that the report was a key milestone in the Combined Authority’s plan to create a better-connected region, aiming to secure more funding and deliver significant infrastructure. The Chair emphasised that Mass Transit would be transformational for the North, benefiting communities and the economy. She noted the proposals represented the first step on the journey to getting Mass Transit plans approved by the Government, given the need for further stages including public consultation on the route.


Before proceeding to the report, the Deputy Director for Legal, Governance, and Compliance, drew to members attention a slight revision required to the first bullet point of section 12.1 of the recommendations, namely ‘delegate submission of the SOC to the DfT to the Mayor and Executive Director for Transport for submission to the Department for Transport’ should have read ‘delegate submission of the SOC to the DfT to the Executive Director for Transport for submission to the Department for Transport in consultation with the Mayor’. The Combined Authority would therefore be asked to consider the amended recommendation.


Officers presented the report, aiming for approval of stakeholder engagement on Mass Transit corridors per the Mass Transit Vision 2040. Phase 1 targeted four corridors, two advancing to an Outline Business Case (OBC). The Strategic Outline Case (SOC) proposed light rail/tram technology for three corridors and earmarked future review for Bradford to Dewsbury. Decisions included delegating SOC submission to the Department for Transport and allocating funds for the Dewsbury Line Development Project.

Members expressed strong support for the Mass Transit proposals, stressing the need for cross-party collaboration and speaking with one voice. They highlighted the initiative as a game-changer for the region, emphasising previous failed attempts and shared ambitions for implementation.


The importance of anticipating future growth areas for network adaptability was emphasised, along with the need for enhanced connectivity to airports and addressing poor rail connectivity between Bradford and Leeds through electrification. Members praised the report's implications for Dewsbury's development and emphasised collaborative efforts in planning, particularly in Leeds' regeneration plans and hospital connectivityimprovement.


Furthermore, the opportunity to enhance regional skills in transport planning through the Mass Transit project was highlighted. Members sought clarification on implementation timescales given the pre-election period, with reassurance provided that the scheme's development would not be impacted. Overall, members showcased strong backing for the Mass Transit initiative, urging collaborative action and foresight in planning for future expansions and connectivity improvements.




(i)          The Combined Authority noted the SOC work that had been undertaken and delegated submission of the SOC to the DfT to the Executive Director for Transport for submission to the Department for Transport in consultation with the Mayor.


(ii)        The Combined Authority approved the continued development of Phase 1a of the Mass Transit Programme and the commencement of the work on the development of the Outline Business Case  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Better Homes Hub pdf icon PDF 276 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Liz Hunter)


Additional documents:




      i.         The Combined Authority noted the content of the report and provided feedback.


     ii.         The Combined Authority endorsed the development of a business case for the One Stop Shop.


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Policing, Environment and Place, which aimed to provide an update on the Better Homes Hub program and sought support for a business case for a retrofit One Stop Shop (OSS).


The Chair stressed the need to reduce the region's CO2 emissions and address fuel poverty, emphasising retrofitting homes for warmth, comfort, and low-carbon living. She observed the need to address the 80% privately owned or rented housing stock was vital. Homeowners and landlords continue to encounter hurdles like information gaps, contractor trust, and financing. The Chair expressed support for a One Stop Shop to overcome these barriers and expedite home retrofits, aiming for equitable access to sustainable living standards.

Officers introduced the report aimed at achieving West Yorkshire's net-zero carbon goal by 2038, focusing on housing emissions. The Better Homes Hub addressed retrofit barriers and promoted energy efficiency. A proposed One Stop Shop (OSS) offered retrofit support, based on an all-inclusive model.

A member welcomed the report but expressed concerns about vulnerable individuals in older housing and misleading energy assessment offers. The Director of Policing, Environment and Place, Liz Hunter, stressed the One Stop Shop's aim to provide trusted advice, collaborating with suppliers and groups. Another member praised the One Stop Shop as a vital means to protect vulnerable individuals, seeing it as a significant achievement.




(i)              The Combined Authority noted the content of the report and provided feedback.


(ii)            The Combined Authority endorsed the development of a business case for the One Stop Shop.


West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040 pdf icon PDF 366 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Liz Hunter)


Additional documents:




      i.         The Combined Authority endorsed the West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040.


     ii.         The Combined Authority granted delegated authority to the Chief Executive to make any necessary final amendments to the West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040 in consultation with the Mayor.


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Policing, Environment, and Place regarding the draft West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040.

The Chair highlighted past efforts to provide safe, secure, and affordable housing for West Yorkshire's 2.35 million residents. Last year, the Combined Authority delivered over 1,500 affordable homes, comprising 25% of new homes, the highest since 2010. Progress continued with more affordable homes through initiatives like the Brownfield Housing Fund and a Strategic Place Partnership with Homes England, targeting 40,000 new homes over a decade. The Chair emphasised the importance of building affordable and sustainable homes and improving existing ones.

Officers introduced the report detailing the housing strategy, aligned with the West Yorkshire Plan 2040. Extensive research and partnership efforts informed its development, including input from committees and public consultation. The strategy outlined a mission statement, four objectives, and guiding principles, with plans for launch in Spring/Summer 2024 pending approval. Public consultation garneredsignificant support and shaped outcomes, with further engagement planned forinclusivity in strategy delivery.




(i)              The Combined Authority endorsed the West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040.


(ii)            The Combined Authority granted delegated authority to the Chief Executive to make any necessary final amendments to the West Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2040 in consultation with the Mayor.


Rail Strategy pdf icon PDF 240 KB

(Lead Member: Councillor Hinchcliffe, Director: Simon Warburton)


Additional documents:




      i.         The Combined Authority noted the outcome of the Rail Strategy public consultation and offered feedback.


     ii.         The Combined Authority approved the Rail Strategy Executive Summary and Rail Strategy full document, authorising them to be adopted as the formal rail policy for West Yorkshire.


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Executive Director for Transport regarding the outcomes of the public consultation on the emerging Rail Strategy.

The Chair expressed disappointment at the cancellation of HS2 by the government. Despite promises to upgrade railways like the TransPennine Route and electrify routes to Sheffield and Hull, along with plans for a new Bradford station, she deemed these insufficient for West Yorkshire's economy and environmental aims. The Chair stressed the need for a modern, integrated transport system in the North, calling for substantial government investment to establish a dependable, cost-effective, and user-friendly rail network.

Officers presented the report emphasising the necessity of a sustainable transport system for West Yorkshire. The Rail Strategy, shaped by public input, aimed to prioritise funding, align policies with economic goals, and enhance rail connectivity up to 2050. Consultation garnered strong support, leading to adjustments reflecting feedback, particularly on rolling stock and decarbonisation.

Several members identified their priorities within the strategy, particularly welcoming new stations, and connections to Huddersfield. One member stressed the importance of increasing capacity at Leeds station, crucial for ongoing efforts. Another member addressed safeguarded land concerns, emphasising its necessity for accommodating future passenger demand and ensuring enhanced rail services. Satisfaction was expressed regarding the inclusion of the Calder Valley line business case, with emphasis on its impact on Calderdale and freight strategy development.




(i)              The Combined Authority noted the outcome of the Rail Strategy public consultation and offered feedback.


(ii)            The Combined Authority approved the Rail Strategy Executive Summary and Rail Strategy full document, authorising them to be adopted as the formal rail policy for West Yorkshire.


Local Transport Plan pdf icon PDF 276 KB

(Lead Member: Councillor Hinchcliffe, Director: Simon Warburton)


Additional documents:




      i.         The Combined Authority approved an eight week public and stakeholder engagement exercise in June and July 2024 on the proposed vision, objectives, and overall approach to the new West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan.


     ii.         The Combined Authority granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Transport to finalise the engagement documents, following input from the Transport Committee in May 2024.


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Executive Director for Transport regarding the approval of an eight-week public and stakeholder engagement exercise in June and July 2024 for the proposed vision, objectives, and overall approach to the new West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (LTP).


The Chair acknowledged that much had changed in the way people and businesses used transport since the Transport Strategy Plan 2040 was first adopted in 2017. She noted that this was why there had been a need to update the plan to address present-day relevance and future challenges anticipated over the next 15 years.

Officers introduced the report focusing on a new statutory plan, highlighting the proposed engagement exercise to gather feedback. Renewal of the LTP vision statement was discussed, aiming for alignment with the West Yorkshire Plan missions. The vision aimed for a prosperous, well-connected, sustainable West Yorkshire, emphasising inclusivity and spatial approach.

A member stressed the essential nature of collaborative work, noting contributions from all districts. Another member highlighted inclusivity concerns in the Transport Plan, emphasising the need for everyone to feel involved. Members acknowledged the importance of cross-boundary collaboration, expressing hope for improved connectivity with South Yorkshire through joint efforts.




(i)              The Combined Authority approved an eight week public and stakeholder engagement exercise in June and July 2024 on the proposed vision, objectives, and overall approach to the new West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan.


(ii)            The Combined Authority granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Transport to finalise the engagement documents, following input from the Transport Committee in May 2024.


Economic Strategy pdf icon PDF 269 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Felix Kumi-Ampofo)


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The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Inclusive Economy, Skills and Culture, aiming to update members on the progress of a new Economic Strategy for West Yorkshire.


The Chair referred to officers' efforts to undertake evidence collection and engage with partners to create a comprehensive evidence base for developing action priorities. The Chair noted she had recently welcomed a panel of independent external experts to provide feedback on the evidence collection process, along with productive input and discussions with wider committees and groups.


Officers presented the report aligning strategy with the West Yorkshire Plan, detailing evidence collection on economic, productivity, and connectivity challenges, plus social issues. Next steps involve drafting action priorities, consulting stakeholders, and publishing the final document.

Members commended progress and engagements, citing a productive roundtable discussion that took place recently by the Business, Economy and Innovation Committee. The Chair expressed excitement over a clustering diagram highlighting female engineers. One member praised the document's analysis but urged inclusion of the care sector. Another member stressed the importance of infrastructure, especially in areas with digital connectivity challenges. Councillor Hinchliffe expressed gratitude for support for Bradford's City of Culture bid from the Combined Authority.


Resolved: The Combined Authority noted the progress update on the Economic Strategy and provided feedback.


Working towards a Child First Approach in the Combined Authority pdf icon PDF 268 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Liz Hunter)


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Resolved: The Combined Authority endorsed a Child First Approach by authorising officers to engage with children in the development of a framework charter.


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Policing, Environment and Place regarding the adoption of a Child First approach.


The Chair welcomed the initiatives to be co-produced with children in West Yorkshire to ensure their voices shaped future endeavours. She observed that the Child First approach aimed to prioritise children's perspectives in policy development, project implementation, and service delivery, aligning with the vision outlined in the West Yorkshire Plan.

Officers introduced the report seeking endorsement to develop a framework and charter for Child First, aligning with the West Yorkshire Plan's vision. The proposal includes ongoing efforts to integrate children's perspectives, learning from existing practices, and establishing a multi-agency working group.

A member reflected on Leeds' ongoing Child Friendly Journey, emphasising the significance of including children's voices in decision-making. The Chair acknowledged the importance of involving young women from the project outset. Another member praised the report for prioritising children's needs, suggesting reading age as a metric for effectiveness, which the Chair welcomed for further consideration.


Resolved: The Combined Authority endorsed a Child First Approach by authorising officers to engage with children in the development of a framework charter.


Project Approvals - 13a, 13b, 13c, 13d, 13e pdf icon PDF 261 KB

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The Combined Authority considered several Project Approval reports, each containing various schemes with funding requests and delegations seeking authorisation. The reports were:


·       Agenda Item 13a - Investment Zone Programme Approvals, focusing on Investment Priority 3 – Creating Great Places and Accelerated Infrastructure.


·       Agenda Item 13b - Local Nature Recovery Strategy Project Approvals, also addressing Investment Priority 3.


·       Agenda Item 13c - Better Homes Hub Project Approvals, centred on Investment Priority 4 – Tackling the Climate Emergency and Environmental Sustainability.


·       Agenda Item 13d - Project Approvals, focusing on Investment Priority 5 – Delivering Sustainable, Integrated, Inclusive, and Affordable Transport.


·       Agenda Item 13e - Project Approvals, centred on Investment Priority 6 – Creative Industries, Culture, Heritage, and Sport.


The Combined Authority then proceeded to consider each Agenda Item in turn.


13a Investment Zone Programme Approvals - Investment Priority 3 - Creating Great Places and Accelerated Infrastructure pdf icon PDF 274 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Liz Hunter)


Additional documents:


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Policing, Environment, and Place outlining proposals for projects under Investment Priority 3 (Delivery and Evaluation) of the West Yorkshire Investment Strategy.


Officers presented the report detailing schemes aligned with the Combined Authority's Assurance Framework, emphasising Investment Priority 3 on place-making, housing, and digital infrastructure. A £80 million initial funding over five years was allocated, potentially extending to £160 million, pending government confirmation.

The Chair invited Councillor Lewis, the leader of Leeds Council, to address the meeting. Councillor Lewis expressed enthusiasm for the scheme, stressing the engagement between authorities and universities. He highlighted universities' role, welcoming funding, and the anticipated collaboration. The Director of Policing, Environment, and Place, confirmed regional universities' support for the projects, reassuring members.


The Combined Authority then proceeded to consider the recommendations.


13a (1) Enterprise West Yorkshire

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That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         The change request for the Enterprise West Yorkshire scheme to extend delivery timeframes by 12 months, from 30th September 2024 to 30th September 2025.


     ii.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)             The change request for the Enterprise West Yorkshire scheme to extend delivery timeframes by 12 months, from 30th September 2024 to 30th September 2025.


(ii)            That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report.


13a (2). West Yorkshire HealthTech and Digital Tech Investment Zone programme

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That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         The West Yorkshire HealthTech and Digital Tech Investment Zone programme proceed through decision point 2 (strategic outline case) and work commenced on the development of individual business cases.


     ii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £80,000,000 to the scheme was approved, with the total value being £179,368,000 (including indicative match funding).


    iii.         The Combined Authority approved development costs of £6,400,000 in order to progress programme and project development, with the total approved being £6,400,000.


   iv.         The Combined Authority approved the use of Gainshare funding to cashflow programme costs pending the confirmation of Government funding.


     v.         The Combined Authority authorised a programme update, including proposals for the assurance pathway and approval route of early projects, to be brought forward for consideration by the Authority at its meeting on 20 June 2024, with further programme-level updates provided at regular intervals over the programme lifetime.


   vi.         The Combined Authority granted delegated authority to the Director of Policing, Environment, and Place to allocate development funds and to enter into funding agreements with partners to progress the development of projects in their areas.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              The West Yorkshire HealthTech and Digital Tech Investment Zone programme proceed through decision point 2 (strategic outline case) and work commenced on the development of individual business cases.


(ii)            The Combined Authority’s contribution of £80,000,000 to the scheme was approved, with the total value being £179,368,000 (including indicative match funding).


(iii)           The Combined Authority approved development costs of £6,400,000 in order to progress programme and project development, with the total approved being £6,400,000.


(iv)           The Combined Authority approved the use of Gainshare funding to cashflow programme costs pending the confirmation of Government funding.


(v)            The Combined Authority authorised a programme update, including proposals for the assurance pathway and approval route of early projects, to be brought forward for consideration by the Authority at its meeting on 20 June 2024, with further programme-level updates provided at regular intervals over the programme lifetime.


(vi)           The Combined Authority granted delegated authority to the Director of Policing, Environment, and Place to allocate development funds and to enter into funding agreements with partners to progress the development of projects in their areas.


13b Local Nature Recovery Strategy Project Approvals - Investment Priority 3 - Creating Great Places and Accelerated

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Local Nature Recovery Strategy scheme was authorised to proceed through decision points 2 to 4 (business justification case) and work commenced on activity 5 (delivery).


     ii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £459,376 to the scheme. The total value being £459,376.


    iii.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)             That the Local Nature Recovery Strategy scheme was authorised to proceed through decision points 2 to 4 (business justification case) and work commenced on activity 5 (delivery).


(ii)            The Combined Authority’s contribution of £459,376 to the scheme. The total value being £459,376.


(iii)          That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee.


13c Better Homes Hub Project Approvals - Investment Priority 4 - Tackling the Climate Emergency and Environmental pdf icon PDF 286 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Liz Hunter)


Additional documents:


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Policing, Environment and Place, detailing proposals for projects under Investment Priority 4 – Tackling the Climate Emergency and Environmental Sustainability Investment in West Yorkshire.


Officers introduced the report, outlining schemes aiming to address carbon emissions from housing through the Better Homes Hub (BHH) program. This initiative targets retrofitting measures to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprints, with partnerships established for social housing retrofit programs and the development of Area-based Schemes (ABS).


Over £40 million has been allocated for social housing retrofit, with notable progress in Wakefield, Kirklees, Leeds, and Bradford. Insights from these programs are informing the emerging ABS program, with ongoing development and approval of schemes expected to continue, aiming for launch in 2025 pending Committee approvals.


The Combined Authority then proceeded to consider the recommendations.


13c (1) Better Homes Hub (BHH) Area-Based Scheme (Leeds - Part 1)

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Better Homes Hub (BHH) Area-Based Scheme (Leeds – Part 1) scheme was authorised to proceeds through decision point 2 to 4 (Business Justification) and work commenced on activity 5 (delivery).


     ii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £1,734,906 to the scheme. The total value being £4,372,241.


    iii.         That the Combined Authority enter into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £1,734,906.


   iv.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Climate, Energy and Environment Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the Better Homes Hub (BHH) Area-Based Scheme (Leeds – Part 1) scheme was authorised to proceeds through decision point 2 to 4 (Business Justification) and work commenced on activity 5 (delivery).


(ii)            The Combined Authority’s contribution of £1,734,906 to the scheme. The total value being £4,372,241.


(iii)           That the Combined Authority enter into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £1,734,906.


(iv)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Climate, Energy and Environment Committee.


13c (2) Better Homes Hub

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         The change request to release development costs of £240,000 of Combined Authority funding to enable programme evaluation and to undertake a feasibility study for the Better Homes Hub Area-Based Scheme (Leeds – Part 2). This takes the total approval to £5,288,585. The total programme cost being £17,587,834.


     ii.         The Combined Authority enter into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £50,000.


    iii.         That delegated authority be granted to the Director of Policing, Environment & Place, to approve the reallocation of spend within the wider Better Homes Hub Programme and to enter into Grant Funding Agreements / letters between the Combined Authority and the local authority partners and suppliers.


   iv.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Climate, Energy and Environment Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              The change request to release development costs of £240,000 of Combined Authority funding to enable programme evaluation and to undertake a feasibility study for the Better Homes Hub Area-Based Scheme (Leeds – Part 2). This takes the total approval to £5,288,585. The total programme cost being £17,587,834.


(ii)            The Combined Authority enter into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £50,000.


(iii)           That delegated authority be granted to the Director of Policing, Environment & Place, to approve the reallocation of spend within the wider Better Homes Hub Programme and to enter into Grant Funding Agreements / letters between the Combined Authority and the local authority partners and suppliers.


(iv)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Climate, Energy and Environment Committee.


13d Project Approvals - Investment Priority 5 - Delivering Sustainable, Integrated, Inclusive and Affordable Transport pdf icon PDF 621 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Simon Warburton)


Additional documents:


The Chair introduced Agenda Item 13d early due to Councillor Hinchcliffe's need to leave the meeting early. Her input, being Chair of the Transport Committee, was crucial for this and other transport-related items. Appendix 9 was deemed confidential per the previous resolution, requiring potential private discussion. After consultation, the Combined Authority decided to keep the discussion public, refraining from mentioning Appendix 9's content.

The Combined Authority addressed progress on Priority 5 projects for West Yorkshire, focusing on public transport, passenger increase, and air quality. Updates covered active travel funds and issues with Bradford Interchange Bus Station. Temporary arrangements had been made due to safety concerns, with ongoing repair surveys. Connectivity, especially for Bradford 2025, was prioritised.


Councillor Hinchcliffe voiced concerns over travel disruptions and suggested seeking customer feedback for temporary solutions. Another member expressed appreciation for the Executive Director for Transport’s engagement with members up to date and asked for further meetings to be held post-solution identification.


The Combined Authority then proceeded to consider the recommendations.


13d. (1) Transport Committee Delegation

Additional documents:


The Combined Authority considered a resolution within the report which detailed the Transport Committee Delegation, granting authority for expedited scheme approvals. Officers introduced the resolution, delegating approval to the Transport Committee for schemes requiring immediate action before 20 June 2024. This delegation aimed to streamline decision-making processes and accelerate scheme delivery.



That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         Where scheme approval is required before 20 June 2024, the schemes outlined in paragraph 3.16 were delegated for approval to the Transport Committee, due to expediency of delivery.


13d. (2) BCPC Kings Road Sustainable Transport Corridor

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the BCPC Kings Road Sustainable Transport Corridor scheme was authorised to proceed through strategic outline case (decision point 2) and work commences on outline business case (decision point 3).


     ii.         The Combined Authority contribution of £34,999,161 to the scheme. The total value being £34,999,161.


    iii.         Development costs of £3,540,990 were approved in order to progress the scheme to outline business case (decision point 3) taking the total scheme approval to £3,790,990.


   iv.         That the Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Bradford Metropolitan District Council for expenditure of up to £3,790,990.


     v.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the BCPC Kings Road Sustainable Transport Corridor scheme was authorised to proceed through strategic outline case (decision point 2) and work commences on outline business case (decision point 3).


(ii)            The Combined Authority contribution of £34,999,161 to the scheme. The total value being £34,999,161.


(iii)           Development costs of £3,540,990 were approved in order to progress the scheme to outline business case (decision point 3) taking the total scheme approval to £3,790,990.


(iv)           That the Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Bradford Metropolitan District Council for expenditure of up to £3,790,990.


(v)            That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d. (3) Bus Highway Hotspot Improvements Programme (BSHHIP)

Additional documents:



That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         Development costs of £252,000 were approved in order to progress the schemes to approval to proceed, the total scheme approvals being £592,000. The £252,000 was comprised of £232,000 from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and £20,000 from Wakefield Council.


     ii.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreements for expenditure as listed above.


    iii.         The Bus Highway Hotspot Improvement Programme proceed through decision point 2 (strategic outline case) and work commences on decision point 5 (delivery) of individual schemes.


   iv.         Approval of £1,743,359, taking the total Combined Authority approval to £2,083,359 with indicative allocations for each scheme as below. The total scheme value is £2,083,359. Expenditure up to the following was authorised; £1,287,004 from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, £350,899 from Leeds City Council and £357,357 from Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.


     v.         The Combined Authority enter into addendums to the existing funding agreements for expenditure as listed above.


    vi.         That a Delegation to the Executive Director for Transport be approved to allow allocated funding amounts released as part of this decision to be amended as required and for grant funding agreements or addendums to grant funding agreements to be amended accordingly.


   vii.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              Development costs of £252,000 were approved in order to progress the schemes to approval to proceed, the total scheme approvals being £592,000. The £252,000 was comprised of £232,000 from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and £20,000 from Wakefield Council.


(ii)            The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreements for expenditure as listed above.


(iii)           The Bus Highway Hotspot Improvement Programme proceed through decision point 2 (strategic outline case) and work commences on decision point 5 (delivery) of individual schemes.


(iv)           Approval of £1,743,359, taking the total Combined Authority approval to £2,083,359 with indicative allocations for each scheme as below. The total scheme value is £2,083,359. Expenditure up to the following was authorised; £1,287,004 from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, £350,899 from Leeds City Council and £357,357 from Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.


(v)            The Combined Authority enter into addendums to the existing funding agreements for expenditure as listed above.


(vi)           That a Delegation to the Executive Director for Transport be approved to allow allocated funding amounts released as part of this decision to be amended as required and for grant funding agreements or addendums to grant funding agreements to be amended accordingly.


(vii)         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d. (4) Huddersfield Rail Station Connections

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Huddersfield Rail Station Connections scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 3 (outline business case) and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).


     ii.         The Combined Authority contribution of £15,702,478 to the scheme. The total value being £18,702,478.


    iii.         Development costs of £924,000 were approved in order to progress the scheme to decision point 4 (full business case), taking the total scheme approval to £2,541,389.


   iv.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Kirklees Council for expenditure of up to £2,541,389.


     v.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)         That the Huddersfield Rail Station Connections scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 3 (outline business case) and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).


(ii)        The Combined Authority contribution of £15,702,478 to the scheme. The total value being £18,702,478.


(iii)       Development costs of £924,000 were approved in order to progress the scheme to decision point 4 (full business case), taking the total scheme approval to £2,541,389.


(iv)      The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Kirklees Council for expenditure of up to £2,541,389.


(v)        That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d. (5) TCF Dewsbury - Batley - Chidswell Sustainable Travel Corridor

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Dewsbury-Batley-Chidswell Sustainable Travel Corridor scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 3 (outline business case) and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).


     ii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £9,992,299 to the scheme. The total value being £9,992,299.


    iii.         Development costs of £926,000 were approved in order to progress the scheme to decision point 4 (full business case) taking the total scheme approval to £1,775,000.


   iv.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Kirklees Council for expenditure of up to £1,775,000.


     v.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the Dewsbury-Batley-Chidswell Sustainable Travel Corridor scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 3 (outline business case) and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).


(ii)            The Combined Authority’s contribution of £9,992,299 to the scheme. The total value being £9,992,299.


(iii)           Development costs of £926,000 were approved in order to progress the scheme to decision point 4 (full business case) taking the total scheme approval to £1,775,000.


(iv)           The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Kirklees Council for expenditure of up to £1,775,000.


(v)            That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d (6). Harrogate Railway Station Gateway - Active Travel Improvement Scheme

Additional documents:



That, subject to the successful outcome of the Department for Transport’s Stage Gate review for the project and change control process for the three North Yorkshire TCF schemes, and subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Harrogate Rail Station Gateway Active Travel Improvement scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) to activity 5 (Delivery).


     ii.         Additional development costs of £200,000 were approved in order to progress the scheme to approval to proceed, taking the total scheme development cost approvals to £2,296,553.


    iii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £11,006,970 to the scheme. The total value being £12,056,970.


   iv.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with North Yorkshire Council for expenditure up to £11,006,970, subject to confirmation from the Department for Transport that funding for FY 24/25, 25/26 and 26/27 is available.


     v.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the successful outcome of the Department for Transport’s Stage Gate review for the project and change control process for the three North Yorkshire TCF schemes, and subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the Harrogate Rail Station Gateway Active Travel Improvement scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) to activity 5 (Delivery).


(ii)            Additional development costs of £200,000 were approved in order to progress the scheme to approval to proceed, taking the total scheme development cost approvals to £2,296,553.


(iii)           The Combined Authority’s contribution of £11,006,970 to the scheme. The total value being £12,056,970.


(iv)           The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with North Yorkshire Council for expenditure up to £11,006,970, subject to confirmation from the Department for Transport that funding for FY 24/25, 25/26 and 26/27 is available.


(v)            That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d (7). TCF: Skipton Railway Station Gateway - Active Travel Improvement Scheme

Additional documents:




That, subject to the successful outcome of the Department for Transport’s Stage Gate review for the project and change control process for the three North Yorkshire TCF schemes, and subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Skipton Station Gateway scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) to activity 5 (Delivery).


     ii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £6,971,771 for Phase 1 to the scheme. The value for Phase 1 being £7,171,771. The total scheme value for Phase 1 and Phase 2 being £15,070,000.


    iii.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with North Yorkshire Council for expenditure up to £6,971,771, subject to confirmation from the Department for Transport that funding for FY 24/25, 25/26 and 26/27 is available.


   iv.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the successful outcome of the Department for Transport’s Stage Gate review for the project and change control process for the three North Yorkshire TCF schemes, and subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the Skipton Station Gateway scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) to activity 5 (Delivery).


(ii)            The Combined Authority’s contribution of £6,971,771 for Phase 1 to the scheme. The value for Phase 1 being £7,171,771. The total scheme value for Phase 1 and Phase 2 being £15,070,000.


(iii)           The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with North Yorkshire Council for expenditure up to £6,971,771, subject to confirmation from the Department for Transport that funding for FY 24/25, 25/26 and 26/27 is available.


(iv)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d (8). TCF Selby Station Gateway

Additional documents:




That, subject to the successful outcome of the Department for Transport’s Stage Gate review for the project and change control process for the three North Yorkshire TCF schemes, and subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Selby Station Gateway scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) and work commences on activity 5 (delivery)


     ii.         Approval was granted to increase the Combined Authority’s contribution for phase 1 by £289,375, from £20,000,000 to £20,289,375, with the additional contribution to be funded by reallocating £289,375 from the TCF Skipton scheme.  The total scheme value for phase 1 being £25,375,508. The total scheme value for phase 1 and 2 being £32,535,508.


    iii.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with North Yorkshire Council for expenditure up to £20,289,375, subject to confirmation from the Department for Transport that funding for Financial Years 2024/25 and 2025/26 is available.


   iv.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the successful outcome of the Department for Transport’s Stage Gate review for the project and change control process for the three North Yorkshire TCF schemes, and subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the Selby Station Gateway scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) and work commences on activity 5 (delivery)


(ii)            Approval was granted to increase the Combined Authority’s contribution for phase 1 by £289,375, from £20,000,000 to £20,289,375, with the additional contribution to be funded by reallocating £289,375 from the TCF Skipton scheme.  The total scheme value for phase 1 being £25,375,508. The total scheme value for phase 1 and 2 being £32,535,508.


(iii)           The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with North Yorkshire Council for expenditure up to £20,289,375, subject to confirmation from the Department for Transport that funding for Financial Years 2024/25 and 2025/26 is available.


(iv)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d (9). Kirklees Speed Limit Review

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Kirklees Speed Limit Review scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 2 - 4 (business justification case) and work begins on activity 5 (delivery).


     ii.         The Combined Authority contribution of £900,000 to the scheme. The total value being £1,052,000.


    iii.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Kirklees Council for expenditure of up to £900,000.


   iv.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee. 


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the Kirklees Speed Limit Review scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 2 - 4 (business justification case) and work begins on activity 5 (delivery).


(ii)            The Combined Authority contribution of £900,000 to the scheme. The total value being £1,052,000.


(iii)           The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Kirklees Council for expenditure of up to £900,000.


(iv)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d (10). A58/A672 Corridor Improvement Scheme

Additional documents:


That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         The change request for the A58/A672 Corridor Improvement scheme to increase the Combined Authority contribution by £1,333,769 from £5,442,000 to £6,775,769, to revise the scheme scope, and to extend the delivery completion date (decision point 5) from December 2023 to December 2024.


     ii.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Calderdale Council for expenditure up to £6,775,769.


    iii.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              The change request for the A58/A672 Corridor Improvement scheme to increase the Combined Authority contribution by £1,333,769 from £5,442,000 to £6,775,769, to revise the scheme scope, and to extend the delivery completion date (decision point 5) from December 2023 to December 2024.


(ii)            The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Calderdale Council for expenditure up to £6,775,769.


(iii)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d (11). Zero Emission Bus Regional Area (ZEBRA)

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         The change request to for the scope changes and extension to project timescales to the ZEBRA project (Phase 1) as detailed in exempt Appendix 9.


     ii.         The change request to accept new funding from the second round of Zero Emission Bus Regional Area funding (ZEBRA 2), if awarded by the Department for Transport (DfT) and extend project delivery timescales as detailed in exempt Appendix 9.


    iii.         The Combined Authority enter into addendum to the existing funding agreements with the bus operators for the sums detailed in exempt Appendix 9.


   iv.         The delegation to the Chief Executive was approved to allow allocated funding amounts to be released as part of that decision to be amended as required and for grant funding agreements or addendums to grant funding agreements to be amended accordingly.


     v.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              The change request to for the scope changes and extension to project timescales to the ZEBRA project (Phase 1) as detailed in exempt Appendix 9.


(ii)            The change request to accept new funding from the second round of Zero Emission Bus Regional Area funding (ZEBRA 2), if awarded by the Department for Transport (DfT) and extend project delivery timescales as detailed in exempt Appendix 9.


(iii)           The Combined Authority enter into addendum to the existing funding agreements with the bus operators for the sums detailed in exempt Appendix 9.


(iv)           The delegation to the Chief Executive was approved to allow allocated funding amounts to be released as part of that decision to be amended as required and for grant funding agreements or addendums to grant funding agreements to be amended accordingly.


(v)            That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Transport Committee.


13d (12). Active Travel Fund and Capability Fund Programme - Active Travel Fund 4 Extension and Capability Fund Extension

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         Subject to Active Travel England approval, the changes to the Active Travel Fund 2 (ATF2), Active Travel Fund 3 (ATF3), and Active Travel Fund 4 (ATF4) projects in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of this report were approved.


     ii.         The change request for the ATF4 Grandstand Road Phase 1 scheme to increase the development funding by £21,720, from £15,280 to £37,000, was approved, and the Combined Authority entered into an addendum to the existing funding agreement with Wakefield Council for expenditure of up to £37,000 from the Active Travel 4 fund. The change request for the ATF4 West Yorkshire School Streets scheme, to reduce the number of school streets from 10 to 8, was approved.


    iii.         The change request for the Capability Fund to extend the DP5 completion of the delivery date from December 2023 to December 2024 was approved (already been approved by ATE).


   iv.         Additional funding of £3,082,319 from the Active Travel Fund 4 Extension and additional funding of £1,265,484 from the Capability Fund Extension were added to the ATF4 program, taking the indicative approval to the Combined Authorities' contribution from £19,961,635 to £24,309,438. The total scheme value was £24,309,438. (Active Travel Fund 4 Extension funding to be confirmed by ATE) Subject to confirmation of ATF4E funding by ATE, that the ATF4E funding of £3,082,319 funded the schemes in Table 4 and that work commenced on activity 5 (Delivery) subject to approval to proceed for schemes B, C, E & F. Grant funding agreements were entered into with the respective partner councils for the amounts in Table 4 of this report for schemes B, C, E & F.


     v.         Subject to confirmation of ATF4E funding by ATE, development costs of £80,000 were approved to progress scheme A in Table 4 to decision point 4 (via business justification case). A grant funding agreement was entered into with Bradford Council for £80,000.


   vi.         Subject to confirmation of ATF4E funding by ATE, development costs of £102,495 were approved to progress scheme D in Table 4 to decision point 4 (via business justification case). A grant funding agreement was entered into with Calderdale Council for £102,495.


  vii.         That the Capability Fund Extension funding of £1,265,484 was added to the Capability Fund Programme and that activity 5 (Delivery) continued.


 viii.         The Combined Authority entered into new grant funding agreements with partner councils allocating amounts from the Capability Fund Extension as follows: Kirklees Council received up to £154,600, Calderdale Council up to £193,900, Wakefield Council up to £118,900, Bradford Council up to £118,400, and Leeds City Council up to £278,900.


   ix.         That a Delegation to the Executive Director for Transport was approved to allow allocated funding amounts released as part of this decision to be amended as required and for grant funding agreements or addendums to grant funding agreements to be amended accordingly.


     x.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route  ...  view the full decision text for item 34.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              Subject to Active Travel England approval, the changes to the Active Travel Fund 2 (ATF2), Active Travel Fund 3 (ATF3), and Active Travel Fund 4 (ATF4) projects in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of this report were approved.


(ii)            Thechange request for the ATF4 Grandstand Road Phase 1 scheme to increase thedevelopment funding by £21,720, from £15,280 to £37,000, was approved, and theCombined Authority entered into an addendum to the existing funding agreementwith Wakefield Council for expenditure of up to £37,000 from the Active Travel4 fund. The change request for the ATF4 West Yorkshire School Streets scheme,to reduce the number of school streets from 10 to 8, was approved.


(iii)           The change request for the Capability Fund to extend the DP5 completion of the delivery date from December 2023 to December 2024 was approved (already been approved by ATE).


(iv)           Additional funding of £3,082,319 from the Active Travel Fund 4 Extension and additional funding of £1,265,484 from the Capability Fund Extension were added to the ATF4 program, taking the indicative approval to the Combined Authorities' contribution from £19,961,635 to £24,309,438. The total scheme value was £24,309,438. (Active Travel Fund 4 Extension funding to be confirmed by ATE)


(v)            Subject to confirmation of ATF4E funding by ATE, that the ATF4E funding of £3,082,319 funded the schemes in Table 4 and that work commenced on activity 5 (Delivery) subject to approval to proceed for schemes B, C, E & F. Grant funding agreements were entered into with the respective partner councils for the amounts in Table 4 of this report for schemes B, C, E & F.


(vi)           Subject to confirmation of ATF4E funding by ATE, development costs of £80,000 were approved to progress scheme A in Table 4 to decision point 4 (via business justification case). A grant funding agreement was entered into with Bradford Council for £80,000.


(vii)         Subject to confirmation of ATF4E funding by ATE, development costs of £102,495 were approved to progress scheme D in Table 4 to decision point 4 (via business justification case). A grant funding agreement was entered into with Calderdale Council for £102,495.


(viii)        That the Capability Fund Extension funding of £1,265,484 was added to the Capability Fund Programme and that activity 5 (Delivery) continued.


(ix)           The Combined Authority entered into new grant funding agreements with partner councils allocating amounts from the Capability Fund Extension as follows: Kirklees Council received up to £154,600, Calderdale Council up to £193,900, Wakefield Council up to £118,900, Bradford Council up to £118,400, and Leeds City Council up to £278,900.


(x)            That a Delegation to the Executive Director for Transport was approved to allow allocated funding amounts released as part of this decision to be amended as required and for grant funding agreements or addendums to grant funding agreements to be amended accordingly.


(xi)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.


13e Project Approvals - Investment Priority 6 - Creative Industries, Culture, Heritage and Sport pdf icon PDF 309 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Felix Kumi-Ampofo)


Additional documents:


The Combined Authority considered a report from the Director of Inclusive Economy, Skills, and Culture, detailing proposals and funding for projects under Investment Priority 6 – Creative Industries, Culture, Heritage, and Sport, within the West Yorkshire Investment Strategy (WYIS).


Officers introduced the report, outlining schemes' progression through the assurance process and their alignment with the Combined Authority’s Assurance Framework. Investment Priority 6 aims to integrate culture into place-based work, enhance the visitor economy, support cultural and creative businesses, increase cultural participation, and promote clean growth. The Culture, Heritage, and Sport Framework focuses on people, place, skills, and business, with schemes incorporating Evaluation Plans aligned with government evaluation standards.


The Combined Authority then proceeded to consider the recommendations.


13e (1). West Yorkshire Tourism - Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP)

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the West Yorkshire Tourism - LVEP scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 2 to 4 (business justification) and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


     ii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £500,000 to the scheme. The total value being £500,000.


    iii.         That the Combined Authority enter into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £470,000.


   iv.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Culture, Heritage and Sport Committee.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the West Yorkshire Tourism - LVEP scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 2 to 4 (business justification) and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


(ii)            The Combined Authority’s contribution of £500,000 to the scheme. The total value being £500,000.


(iii)           That the Combined Authority enter into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £470,000.


(iv)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report. Where required, any future committee level approvals were delegated to the Culture, Heritage and Sport Committee.


13e (2). Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture

Additional documents:




That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


      i.         That the Bradford 2025 City of Culture scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


     ii.         The Combined Authority’s contribution of £5,700,000 to the scheme. This took the total approval to £6,000,000. The total value being £42,407,000.


    iii.         The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the funding agreement with Bradford Culture Company (BCC) Ltd for expenditure of up to £6,000,000.


   iv.         That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report.


The recommendations were agreed by a majority of members of the Combined Authority, with Councillor Lamb indicating his dissent.


The Combined Authority considered an appendix detailing the Bradford 2025 City of Culture scheme.

Officers introduced the scheme for a yearlong cultural program in West Yorkshire, relying on Gainshare IP6 funding. It aimed to boost economic growth and highlight the region's creative industries. Seeking approval for decision point 4, the scheme's total value was £42,407,000, with £5,700,000 sought from the Combined Authority.

A member opposed the financial recommendation for the scheme, citing concerns about taxpayer burden based on Leeds' City of Culture legacy. The Chair disagreed, emphasising potential public wellbeing benefits. Another member welcomed the funding, expressing hope it will benefit the entire Bradford district. Another member urged monitoring Leeds'City of Culture evaluation for resource allocation insights. He supported Bradford's bid for its long-term regenerative focus. The Chair cited positive impacts on women's participation in construction following Leeds'City of Culture. A member reiterated concerns about taxpayer burden, stressing the need for a long-term legacy focus.


Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That the Bradford 2025 City of Culture scheme was authorised to proceed through decision point 4 (full business case) and work commences on activity 5 (delivery).


(ii)            The Combined Authority’s contribution of £5,700,000 to the scheme. This took the total approval to £6,000,000. The total value being £42,407,000.


(iii)           The Combined Authority enter into an addendum to the funding agreement with Bradford Culture Company (BCC) Ltd for expenditure of up to £6,000,000.


(iv)           That future approvals would be made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route and tolerances outlined in the report.


13e (3). British Library North

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Resolved: That, subject to the conditions set by the Portfolio Investment Panel, the Combined Authority approved:


(i)              That future approvals in relation to the British Library North scheme were delegated to the Combined Authority’s Place Regeneration and Housing Committee.


Scrutiny Protocol Review pdf icon PDF 290 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Alan Reiss)


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The Combined Authority considered a report of the Chief Operating Officer, reviewing the government's new Scrutiny Protocol and proposing recommendations for its implementation.

The Chair underscored the Scrutiny Members’ report, addressing the government’s new protocol, a draft Scrutiny Vision, and proposed committee structure. She welcomed efforts to boost accountability, commending the comprehensive work of the committee and working group. Councillor Barry Anderson, Chair of Corporate Scrutiny, was invited to discuss the report's recommendations.

Councillor Anderson highlighted Scrutiny's pivotal role in fostering cooperation across parties and driving progress. He addressed the day's agenda, emphasising Scrutiny's importance towards achieving Level 4 Devolution as outlined in a recent letter from the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP. Councillor Anderson proposed alternative scrutiny methods to address challenges and stressed the need for improvement, thanking his fellow Chairs and advocating for enhanced functionalities.

Officers introduced the report detailing previous scrutiny arrangements and the Scrutiny Protocol publication. A working group reviewed key principles, making over 60 recommendations, including a single committee structure. Challenges and recommendations aimed to improve scrutiny's effectiveness and accountability.

During discussions, a member disagreed with reducing Scrutiny Committees, fearing it as retrogressive, citing Tees Valley's experience. He advocated for closer alignment between district authorities and the Combined Authority's structure, stressing attention to detail in reviewing decisions. Councillor Anderson argued in favour of restructuring for efficiency, proposing the use of more productive working groups. Another member supported quality over quantity in Scrutiny, advocating for a single Committee for broad oversight. He emphasised involving members in decision-making early and addressing pressures on them due to devolution. Another member suggested a horizontal approach to Scrutiny to ensure comprehensive coverage of member knowledge and highlighted the importance of addressing skill gaps.




(i)              The Combined Authority considered and provided feedback on the Scrutiny Members’ recommendations as set out in the report and requested officers to progress the more detailed recommended changes to scrutiny arrangements and bring forward a subsequent report to the Combined Authority identifying proposed activity to be introduced over the next 12 months in the first instance.


(ii)            The Combined Authority agreed to adopt a Scrutiny Protocol compliant single committee scrutiny structure as the proposed model for Scrutiny from the 2024/25 municipal year to be confirmed at the June 2024 annual meeting following assessment by the Independent Remuneration Panel.


(iii)           That the Independent Remuneration Panel established by the Combined Authority at its 1 February 2024 meeting would be convened to assess member allowances according to the role profiles and committee structure outlined in the draft Scrutiny Vision or as alternatively advised by Members.


Corporate Plan 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 224 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Alan Reiss)


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Resolved: The Combined Authority endorsed the approach to the development of the Corporate Plan 2024-25.


The Combined Authority considered a report of the Director of Strategy, Communications, and Intelligence, aiming to review and provide feedback on the first high-level draft of the Corporate Plan 2024-25.


The Chair welcomed the report, outlining the initial high-level draft of the Corporate Plan 2024-25 for review and feedback. She observed that the plan delineated strategic priorities for the upcoming year, building upon the budget and business plans approved by the Combined Authority on 1 February 2024. The Chair emphasised that it was a work in progress, important to present for early scrutiny before approval at the next Combined Authority meeting in June 2024.


Officers then introduced the report, which aimed to guide the Combined Authority in delivering its goals and contributing to the region's development. The Chief Executive, Ben Still, noted that the Corporate Plan would be revised in light of the Bus Franchising decisions taken earlier in the meeting. The revised plan would then be brought back to the Combined Authority for consideration.


Resolved: The Combined Authority endorsed the approach to the development of the Corporate Plan 2024-25.


Corporate Delegations pdf icon PDF 224 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Ben Still)


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The Combined Authority considered a report of the Chief Executive, aiming to delegate time-limited authority for creating or amending director-level roles and making appointments post-recruitment processes. This authority, to be exercised in consultation with the Mayor and after engaging with Combined Authority members, aimed to ensure appropriate senior resources for priority delivery.

The Chair welcomed the report and the proposed delegation, observing that it would enable continuity in the work of the Combined Authority.


Officers introduced the report, highlighting significant work programs, particularly in Transport, with vacancies and interim directors. To address these needs swiftly before the next Authority meeting in June, delegation to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Mayor, was requested to proceed with recruitment between Authority meetings.


Resolved: The Combined Authority delegated authorisation to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Mayor and following engagement with Combined Authority members, to make changes to the senior officer structure at director level, including creating or revising roles (if required), and subsequently to make appointments to those roles following the outcome of the respective recruitment processes. Such delegation was time-limited to enable activity to continue until the next meeting of the Combined Authority on 20 June 2024.


Minutes for Information pdf icon PDF 224 KB

(Lead Member: The Mayor, Director: Alan Reiss)


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The Combined Authority noted a report of the Chief Operating Officer detailing the minutes and notes of committees or informal meetings of Members published on the Combined Authority’s website since the last meeting.


The report highlighted the publication of minutes and notes from various committees, including Governance and Audit, Place, Regeneration and Housing, Culture, Heritage and Sport, Transport and Finance, Resources, and Corporate Committees. These documents would be made available on the Combined Authority's website, providing Members with relevant information on recent discussions and decisions.



Chair's Closing Remarks

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The Chair closed the meeting and reflected on the significance of the decisions made, envisioning a future where new generations of people would benefit from the outcomes discussed. The Chair expressed gratitude for the collaboration, kindness, support and guidance received from members of the Combined Authority during her term of office and thanked everyone for attending the meeting.


Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting, which shall be the Combined Authority’s Annual Meeting, will be Thursday 20 June 2024.


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It was noted that the next meeting of the Combined Authority would be the Annual Meeting which would take place on Thursday 20 June 2024.