Issue - meetings

HS2 and Skills

Meeting: 14/12/2017 - West Yorkshire Combined Authority (Item 68)

68 HS2 and Skills pdf icon PDF 385 KB

(Member lead: Cllr S Hinchcliffe, Director: Sue Cooke)

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Resolved:  That the HS2 Skills Strategy be endorsed and an implementation plan be developed.


The Authority considered a report of the Executive Head of Economic Services which provided an update on the skills strategy needed to ensure the most is made of HS2 and to seek endorsement to develop the strategy into an implementation plan.


The report provided a summary of the skills work being undertaken and the strategy for ensuring people have the right skills to make the most of the HS2 opportunity.  It also provided an overview of the Skills and Supply Chain Growth Strategy and a summary which provided further detail regarding the proposed programmes was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report.


Members discussed the strategy which built on the objectives detailed in the LCR Employment & Skills Plan and the work that WYCA and partners were already doing to support the development of a skilled workforce.  It was intended to submit the Skills Strategy to Government as part of the HS2 Growth Strategy and then to turn the strategy into an implementation plan.  It was noted that the approach to implementation would depend on how far the Government supports the plan financially and an initial meeting was being arranged with them in the near future.


Resolved:  That the HS2 Skills Strategy be endorsed and an implementation plan be developed.