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ARCHIVED - Business, Economy and Innovation Committee
ARCHIVED - Corporate Scrutiny Committee
ARCHIVED - Economy Scrutiny Committee
ARCHIVED - Employment and Skills Committee
ARCHIVED - Joint Business, Economy & Innovation and Employment & Skills Committee
ARCHIVED - Transport and Infrastructure Scrutiny Committee
ARCHIVED - West Yorkshire and York Investment Committee
Climate, Energy and Environment Committee
Culture, Heritage and Sport Committee
Economy Committee
Finance, Resources, and Corporate Committee
Governance and Audit Committee
Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee
Scrutiny Committee
Transport Committee
West Yorkshire Business Board (formerly Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership Board)
West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Other Significant Interest
Addy, Councillor Beverley Addy
Ahmed, Councillor Aneela Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Munir Ahmed
Almass, Councillor Gohar Almass
Anderson, Councillor Barry Anderson
Appleyard, Councillor Hannah Appleyard
Arif, Councillor Salma Arif
Atkinson, Councillor Joe Atkinson
Barnes, Councillor Mike Barnes
Baxter, Councillor Anna Baxter
Berry, Councillor Ralph Berry
Bolt, Councillor Martyn Bolt
Bowden, Councillor Jordan Bowden
Brabin, Mayor Tracy Brabin
Brooks, Councillor Kayleigh Brooks
Brundell, Councillor Helen Brundell
Buckley, Councillor Neil Buckley
Burton, Councillor Ben Burton
Caffrey, Councillor Peter Caffrey
Cambpbell, Councillor Colin Campbell
Carlill, Councillor Peter Carlill
Carter, Councillor Geraldine Carter
Clarke, Councillor Peter Clarke
Coles, Councillor Jo Coles
Collins, Councillor Michelle Collins
Cooper, Councillor Andrew Cooper
Coupar, Councillor Debra Coupar
Courtney, Councillor Sarah Courtney
Craig, Councillor Julie Craig
Crook, Councillor Moses Crook
Dacre, Councillor Silvia Dacre
Davies, Councillor Debbie Davies
Davies, Councillor Paul Davies
Dodds, Councillor Joanne Dodds
Douglas, Councillor Claire Douglas
Dowson, Councillor Jane Dowson
Durrans, Councillor Danielle Durrans
Dye, Councillor Katie Dye
Edwards, Councillor Matt Edwards
Edwards, Councillor Oliver Edwards
Felstead, Councillor Bob Felstead
Fenton, Councillor Stephen Fenton
Ferriby, Councillor Sarah Ferriby
Firth, Councillor Caroline Firth
Firth, Councillor Eric Firth
Firth, Councillor Sam Firth
Forster, Councillor Richard Forster
Foster, Councillor Dot Foster
France-Mir, Councillor Mahalia France-Mir
Godwin, Councillor Paul Godwin
Golton, Councillor Stewart Golton
Graham, Councillor Michael Graham
Griffiths, Councillor Alun Griffiths
Haigh, Councillor Kate Haigh
Hames, Councillor Tony Hames
Hannan, Councillor Abdul Hannan
Harvey, Councillor Samantha Harvey
Hayden, Councillor Helen Hayden
Hemingway, Councillor Jack Hemingway
Hepworth, Councillor Jo Hepworth
Hinchcliffe, Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe
Holdsworth, Councillor Sue Holdsworth
Hunt, Councillor Peter Hunt
Hussain, Councillor Mohsin Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Yusra Hussain
Hutchinson, Councillor Colin Hutchinson
Iqbal, Councillor Zafar Iqbal
Jeffery, Councillor Denise Jeffery
Jenkins, Councillor David Jenkins
Jones, Councillor Raymond Jones
Kauser, Councillor Safina Kauser
Kaushik, Councillor Manisha Roma Kaushik
Keith, Councillor Charlie Keith
Kent, Councillor Jenny Kent
Khan, Councillor Armaan Khan
Khan, Councillor Imran Khan
Khan, Councillor Rahat Khan
Khan, Councillor Sabiya Khan
Kidger, Councillor Wyn Kidger
Kilbane, Councillor Peter Kilbane
Kimber, Councillor Katie Kimber
Lamb, Councillor Alan Lamb
Lawson, Councillor Jo Lawson
Lawson, Councillor John Lawson
Lee-Richards, Councillor Susan Lee-Richards
Lennox, Councillor Jessica Lennox
Lewis, Councillor James Lewis
Love, Councillor Martin Love
Loy, Councillor Andrew Loy
Lynn, Councillor Jenny Lynn
Maloney, Councillor Annie Maloney
Marchington, Councillor Andrew Marchington
Masterman, Councillor Lynn Masterman
McCarthy, Councillor Harry McCarthy
McGrath, Councillor Tony McGrath
McLoughlin, Councillor Matthew McLoughlin
Medford, Councillor Julie Medford
Merrett, Councillor Dave Merrett
Monteith, Councillor Brenda Monteith
Moore, Councillor Paul Moore
Morley, Councillor Matthew Morley
Morley, Councillor Matthew Morley
Naylor, Councillor Aislin Naylor
Newton, Councillor Oliver Newton
Nicholls, Councillor Deb Nicholls
Nunns, Councillor David Nunns
Parsons-Hulse, Councillor Amanda Parsons-Hulse
Patient, Councillor Scott Patient
Pattison, Councillor Carole Pattison
Pickersgill, Councillor David Pickersgill
Pinnock, Councillor Andrew Pinnock
Poulsen, Councillor Rebecca Poulsen
Pryor, Councillor Jonathan Pryor
Rae, Councillor Adele Rae
Ravilious, Councillor Kate Ravilious
Reynolds, Councillor Elizabeth Reynolds
Rhodes, Councillor Betty Rhodes
Robinson, Councillor Matthew Robinson
Rontree, Councillor Andy Rontree
Ross-Shaw, Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw
Rowe, Councillor Liz Rowe
Rylah, Councillor Jane Rylah
Scott, Councillor Cathy Scott
Scullion, Councillor Jane Scullion
Smith, Councillor Anthony Smith
Smith, Councillor Richard Smith
Steele, Councillor Chris Steele
Swift, Councillor Tim Swift MBE
Thirkill, Councillor Carol Thirkill
Thompson, Councillor Mark Thompson
Thomson, Councillor Eleanor Thomson
Turner, Councillor Graham Turner
Waller, Councillor Andrew Waller
Wallis, Councillor Tony Wallis
Walton, Councillor Natalie Walton
Watson, Councillor Anna Watson
Wheatley, Councillor Joe Wheatley
Whitaker, Councillor Caroline Whitaker
Whitcroft, Councillor Conrad Whitcroft
WIlliamson, Councillor Jakob Williamson
Wilson, Councillor Izaak Wilson
Wray, Councillor Paul Wray
Zaman, Councillor Habiban Zaman
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period