
Use the below search options to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Combined Authority’s decision making bodies and key officers.

Please note that we migrated to a new system on 26 May 2017. Decisions taken before that date can be viewed through the Committees page by browsing to the relevant committee and agenda, or through the Search documents page to search for the item you require information about.

Decisions published

08/07/2020 - Capital Spending and Project Approvals ref: 819    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: ARCHIVED - West Yorkshire and York Investment Committee

Made at meeting: 08/07/2020 - ARCHIVED - West Yorkshire and York Investment Committee

Decision published: 09/07/2020

Effective from: 17/07/2020


(i)          That in respect of West Yorkshire Mass Transit programme the Investment Committee recommended to the Combined Authority that:

(a)        The West Yorkshire Mass Transit programme proceeds through decision point 1 (Strategic assessment) and work commences on activity 2 (Strategic outline case) 

(b)        An approval for development funding is agreed for £2.041 million from WY+TF Transformational Fund to develop the feasibility of the scheme.

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report. 

(ii)         That in respect of the A64 Bus Priority and Park and Ride the Investment Committee recommended to the Combined Authority that:

(a)        The A64 Bus Priority & Park & Ride package proceeds through decision point 2 (Strategic outline case) and work commences on activity 3 (Outline business case).

(b)        An indicative approval of £7 million is given from the Transforming Cities Fund with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme package has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Portfolio Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the package remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.

(iii)           That in respect of the Integrated Corporate System project the Investment Committee recommended to the Combined Authority that:

(a)        The Integrated Corporate Systems project proceeds through decision point 2 (Strategic outline case) and work commences on activity 4 (full business case).

(b)        An indicative approval to the total project value of £1.5 million is given from the Combined Authority’s own capital programme and reserves. with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 4.

(c)        Development costs of £150,000 are approved in order to progress the scheme to decision point 4 (Full business case).

(d)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report including at decision point 4 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Portfolio Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.

(iv)           That in respect of the Bradford Strategic Transport Model the Investment Committee recommended to the Combined Authority that:

(a)        The Bradford Strategic Transport Model project proceeds through Decision Point 2 (Strategic outline case) and work commences on Activity 5 (full business case with finalised costs).

(b)        An indicative approval to the Combined Authority’s contribution of £367,000 (which will be funded through the West Yorkshire Transport Fund) is given. The remainder of the funding is from City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (£342,000). The total project value is £709,000.

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Portfolio Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.

(v)            That in respect of the Leeds City Centre Cycle Connectivity the Investment Committee recommended to the Combined Authority that:

(a)        The TCF: Leeds City Centre Cycle Connectivity project proceeds through decision point 3 (Outline business case) and work commences on activity 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(b)        An indicative approval to the total project value of £7.81 million is given from the TCF fund with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        Additional development costs of £1.085 million are approved, in order to progress the scheme to decision point 5 (Full business case with finalised costs), taking the total project approval to £1.235 million.

(d)        The Combined Authority enters into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £1.235 million from the TCF fund.

(e)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Portfolio Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.

(vi)           That in respect of the Rail Accessibility Programme – Horsforth and Crossgates the Investment Committee recommended that:

(a)        The Rail Accessibility Programme (RAP) passes through decision point 3 (Outline business case), in preparedness for work to commence on activity 4 (Full business case) when scheme funding has been secured.

(b)        Investment Committee are sighted on the total project value of £8.371 million. The funding source will be confirmed at decision point 4, when funding has been secured, with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances, to be agreed and funding being secured.

(vii)         That in respect of the A629 Phase 1b the Investment Committee recommended that:

(a)        The A629 phase 1b project proceeds through decision point 4 and work commences on activity 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(b)        An indicative approval to the total project value of £27.83 million is given from the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund, with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.

(viii)        That in respect of Leeds Bus Station Gateway the Investment Committee recommended that:

(a)        an indicative approval for an additional £224,000 from the ULEB programme, bringing the total project to £5.208 million, is given, with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (Full business case with finalised costs)

(b)        The change request to the Leeds Bus Station Gateway - to increase the development costs from £750,000 to £1.204 million (additional funding of £454,000) is approved.

(c)        The change request to the Leeds Bus Station Gateway - to extend the delivery timeframe from March 2021 to March 2022 is approved.

(d)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outline in this report.

(ix)           That in respect of the A660 Signals the Investment Committee  recommended that:

(a)        The A660 Signals Upgrade Scheme proceeds through decision point 5 and work commences on activity 6 (Delivery).

(b)        That full approval to the Combined Authority’s contribution of £733,000 is given from the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme fund. The total project value is £1.056 million. 

(c)        The Combined Authority enters into a funding agreement with Leeds City Council for expenditure of up to £733,000 from the Leeds Public Transport Investment Programme fund.

(d)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.

(x)            That in respect of the West Yorkshire Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans the Investment Committee recommended that:

(a)        The West Yorkshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans scheme proceeds through decision point 5 and work commences on activity 6 (Delivery).

(b)        Full approval to the total project value of £600,000 is given from Local Transport Plan - Integrated Transport Block programme.

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.

(xi)           That in respect of the Transport ICT (CoSA) scheme the Investment Committee recommended that:

(a)        The Transport ICT (CoSA) scheme proceeds through decision point 5 and work commences on activity 6 (Delivery).

(b)        Full approval to the Combined Authority’s contribution of £200,000 is given from the Local Transport Plan – Integrated Transport Block programme. The total project value is £200,000. 

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.


08/07/2020 - A629 (Phase1b) – Elland Wood Bottom to Salterhebble Hill ref: 820    Recommendations Approved

Approval for the A629 (Phase1b) – Elland Wood Bottom to Salterhebble Hill Activity 4 (Full Business Case) and work commence on Activity 5 (Full Business Case with Finalised Costs).

Decision Maker: ARCHIVED - West Yorkshire and York Investment Committee

Made at meeting: 08/07/2020 - ARCHIVED - West Yorkshire and York Investment Committee

Decision published: 09/07/2020

Effective from: 17/07/2020


(i)              That in respect of the A629 Phase 1b the Investment Committee recommended that:

(a)        The A629 phase 1b project proceeds through decision point 4 and work commences on activity 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(b)        An indicative approval to the total project value of £27.83 million is given from the West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund, with full approval to spend being granted once the scheme has progressed through the assurance process to decision point 5 (Full business case with finalised costs).

(c)        Future approvals are made in accordance with the assurance pathway and approval route outlined in this report including at decision point 5 through a delegation to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director following a recommendation by the Combined Authority’s Programme Appraisal Team. This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in this report.


Lead officer: Caroline Coy

03/07/2020 - Rail Strategy Update ref: 818    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 03/07/2020 - Transport Committee

Decision published: 06/07/2020

Effective from: 14/07/2020


(i)              That the progress on development of the West Yorkshire Rail Vision be noted and the next steps be endorsed.


(ii)             That the Combined Authority’s response to the Rail Needs Assessment for the Midlands and the north consultation be noted and endorsed.


(iii)           That  the Combined Authority’s submission to the New Stations Fund scheme be noted and endorsed.


(iv)           Welcome the publication of the Leeds Area Continuous Modular Strategic Planning study by Network Rail, and to endorse the need to actively support the case for development and funding of the recommended projects in partnership with Network Rail and Transport for the North.


(v)             That the progress on development of the Leeds Station Existing Programme business case be noted and the need to actively support the funding case for this project in partnership with Network Rail, Leeds City Council and Transport for the North be endorsed.


03/07/2020 - COVID-19 - Impacts and Recovery ref: 817    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Transport Committee

Made at meeting: 03/07/2020 - Transport Committee

Decision published: 06/07/2020

Effective from: 03/07/2020


(i)              That the Committee notes the updates provided in this report.


(ii)             That the Local Bus Working Group oversees the reinstatement of the bus network and any commissioning of services by the Combined Authority in support of this.


(iii)           That the Committee endorses the framework set out for the Transport Recovery Plan set out in paragraph 2.26


(iv)           That the Committee approves alterations to the scope of the Bus Strategy and Smartcard and Information Programmes to facilitate elements of the Transport Recovery Plan set out in 4.1


(v)             That the delegated decision-making arrangement approved by the Committee on 13 March be maintained for use on urgent matters relating to the COVID-19 emergency and reviewed at the next meeting.


22/05/2020 - Award of contracts on socially necessary bus services in Kirklees ref: 816    Recommendations Approved

To award contracts for the provision of socially necessary bus services in Kirklees

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 22/05/2020


To approve bus service contracts in the Huddersfield area.


Lead officer: David Keady

01/04/2020 - Decisions made - 1 April 2020 – LEP Consultation Meeting ref: 815    Recommendations Approved

In view of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing rules, it is not currently possible to hold formal meetings of the LEP Board. There were three items of business which were due to be considered by the LEP Board and could not wait until the next formal meeting of the Board. In the circumstances, the decisions have been made under my delegated powers. The reasons the decisions are required are:

Governance Arrangements
(1) To take forward recommendations for nominations of private sector panels to be approved by the Combined Authority and extensions to the terms of office of existing panel members.
(2) To endorse the WY Devolution Deal to enable preparations to commence on developing workstreams to implement the deal.
Corporate Performance
(3) To enable the content of the LEP Annual Delivery Plan to be finalised once final financial and performance data for the 2019/20 has been fed into the Plan and to enable the final design of the plan to be approved.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 01/04/2020


In my capacity as LEP Chair, I have today made the decisions recorded below in accordance with the delegations conferred on me by the LEP Board Constitution (Section 10 - Urgent Decisions of the LEP). The decisions I have taken have been fully informed by the views of the LEP Board members as part of the consideration of the specific items during a private consultative conference call held today (1 April).

The decisions taken under my delegated powers are as follows:

Governance Arrangements
(1) That the recommendations of the LEP Board members, in relation to nomination of private sector members to advisory panels and extensions to terms of office of existing members, as set out in Appendix 1 attached, are recommended to the next meeting of the Combined Authority for formal approval.

(2) Until such time as the nominations to panels are formally approved by the Combined Authority and to ensure that new panel members are able to familiarise themselves with the work of the respective panels, they are invited to participate in any conference calls and workshops which take place in the foreseeable future.

(3) That the West Yorkshire Devolution Deal is endorsed.

Corporate Performance
(4) That, following consultation with LEP Board members, the final design and content of the LEP Annual Delivery Plan and Review will be agreed between myself as LEP Chair and the Managing Director.

Lead officer: Angie Shearon

06/04/2020 - Covid 19 Bus Operator Payments ref: 814    Recommendations Approved

A package of financial support to the bus sector affected by Covid 19 has been introduced by Department for Transport. Included in this is a request that Local Transport Authorities continue to make payments for concessionary fares and tendered bus services at the level that was being paid before the emergency despite the downturn in patronage and the reduction in service levels (re DfT letter 26 March 2020).
This decision is to observe this request and make payments subject to conditions which:
• Safeguard a network of bus services during the emergency.
• Provide for open book analysis of the costs and revenues of the bus sector in West Yorkshire during the emergency.

Decision Maker: Director, Transport Operations & Passenger Experience

Decision published: 03/07/2020

Effective from: 06/04/2020


In respect of concessionary fares and tendered service, to approve a package of payments to bus operators at the level which was being paid before the downturn in patronage resulting from the Covid-19 epidemic and subject to conditions which:


·       safeguard a network of bus services during the emergency;

·       provide for open book analysis of the costs and revenues of the bus sector in West Yorkshire during the emergency.


Lead officer: Dave Pearson

25/02/2020 - Changes to the Recruitment Procedure for Private Sector Representatives ref: 813    Recommendations Approved

The LEP’s governance documents need to be revised to reflect the revised LEP geography and other governance changes required by the National Assurance Framework relating to membership.

Decision Maker: Deputy Director, Legal, Governance & Compliance

Decision published: 29/06/2020

Effective from: 25/02/2020


To approve amendments to LEP governance documents, in particular the Recruitment Procedure for Private Sector Representatives, which were approved by the LEP Board at their 25 February 2020 meeting.

Lead officer: Caroline Norreys

10/06/2020 - Protocol for remote meetings of the LEP Board ref: 812    Recommendations Approved

Due to the coronavirus, and further to public health guidance issued by the Government, meetings of the LEP Board are currently held remotely.

For transparency and clarity, the Head of Legal and Governance Services has approved a protocol setting out how remote meetings are to be conducted.

Decision Maker: Deputy Director, Legal, Governance & Compliance

Decision published: 29/06/2020

Effective from: 10/06/2020


Further to consultation with the LEP Chair, the Head of Legal and Governance Services has approved a protocol setting out how remote meetings of the LEP Board are to be conducted.

Lead officer: Caroline Norreys