Issue - decisions

Strategic Economic Framework

07/09/2020 - Strategic Economic Framework



(a)       That the Combined Authority endorse and adopt the concept and content of the Strategic Economic Framework (SEF) and welcome the launch of the SEF as the new overarching economic framework for the region’s policies and strategies.


(b)       That the draft text setting out the vision for West Yorkshire, attached at Appendix 1 to the report be approved. 


(c)        That the Combined Authority agree that the SEP expires at the end of March 2021, and continues to be used for Growth Deal programmes until then.


(d)       That the Combined Authority agree to the intention for future policies, strategies and changes to the SEF to be brought to the advisory panels, LEP Board and Combined Authority for consideration as appropriate.


(e)       That regular reviews and updates on the SEF be brought back to the Combined Authority every six months and that future reports on policies indicate whether a consequential change is required to the SEF.


(f)        That further detail on proposed indicators for individual policy areas be brought to future meetings.