Issue - decisions

Portfolio Information Management System

06/10/2017 - Portfolio Information Management System

(x)        In respect of the Portfolio Information Management System (PIMs) WYCA approves:


(a)        That the Portfolio Information Management System (PIMs) project proceeds through Decision Point 5 (Full Business Case with Finalised Costs) and work commences on Activity 6 (Delivery).


(b)        That approval be given to the total project value of £0.240m for the development of the system and £0.050m per annum on-going licence fees (the on-going licence fee will be required from 2018/19 onwards) and is funded as an overhead cost from the overall Portfolio Management Office costs.


(c)        That future approvals are made in accordance with the Approval Pathway and Approval Route outlined in the submitted report following a recommendation by WYCA’s Programme Appraisal Team.  This will be subject to the scheme remaining within the tolerances outlined in the submitted report.