Issue - decisions

A City Region Policy and Funding Framework for Inclusive Growth

04/08/2017 - A City Region Policy and Funding Framework for Inclusive Growth

Resolved –


(i)    That WYCA agrees, in principle, to broaden its policy remit to ensure it can make a positive  impact on factors that drive inclusive growth.


(ii)    That the Steering Inclusive Growth Group (SIGG) be formalised into an Inclusive Growth Panel and a report be brought to a future meeting to set an appropriate remit over public services and tackling fuel poverty.


(iii)    That WYCA agrees, in principle, to review WYCA programmes to take account of inclusive growth, subject to the conditions on delegated funding.


(iv)    That it be noted that currently, funding streams are likely to prove insufficient and inflexible to resource a wider range of city region investment interventions.  WYCA therefore seeks to maximise resources (eg. Shared Prosperity Fund) and secure more freedoms over in year spending.